Psychological disorders - page 2

Differences between psychosis and neurosis

Increased mental disorders worldwide. Know the differences between neurosis and psychosis to be info...

Sleeping Beauty Syndrome or Kleine-Levin

Discover the true story behind the story of the Sleeping Beauty and how it differs from the Disney v...

Hikikomori, the social isolation between the four walls of a room

Discover the Japanese Hikikomori disorder, in which young people are completely isolated from societ...

Frégoli syndrome the mistakes of the mind

Discover Frégoli's strange syndrome disorder, in which the subject believes that different people ar...

Degic disorders, self -infected diseases and simulation

Deception and simulation appears when the patient pretends to be sick by conscious (and often crimin...

The main psychological disorders

Discover how mental illnesses affect emotional balance, intellectual performance and social adaptati...

The social and economic cost of mental disorders

It is estimated that one in four people will have some mental disorder throughout their lives and th...

Syndrome of the shy bladder or parurch, the fear of urinating in public bathrooms

Have you ever happened to you that you need to urinate, but it is impossible for you to do it in a p...

The male pregnancy, Couvade or covada syndrome

Couvade syndrome is characterized by the appearance of physical and psychological symptoms in the fa...

Stalkers, social networks and obsession

Discover what a Stalker is and how social networks can arouse this obsession to know the life of the...

Differences between the classification of DSM-V and CIE 10

The DSM-V and the CIE-10 are two of the most used standardized medical manuals worldwide. Both psych...