Psychological disorders

10 celebrities with mental disorders

There are many celebrities with mental disorders that have received treatment and have continued the...

Diagnostic characteristics of behavior disorder (TC) in minors

Discover how conduct disorder in minors can lead to psychopathy in adulthood. Read more here!...

Famous writers with mental disorders

It does not seem coincidence that there are so many writers with mental disorders. Well, creative pe...

Machiavellianism and the dark triad of personality

Machiavelli's name was connected to a concept whose meaning is associated with manipulation, cunning...

10 best movies about mental disorders

Know this repertoire that includes the 10 best movies about mental disorders so you can learn to ide...

Vortioxetine, latest generation antidepressant

Vortioxetine is a latest generation antidepressant medication. Its most prominent effects lie in the...

Sleep disorders, everything you need to know

Sleep disorders can be really disabling. Discover what, why and how they originate, as well as the m...

Crazy Is there? What is it about?

What is madness? What is it about? Is that thing called madness really? In this article we reflect o...

Massive psychogenic disease or collective hysteria, why does it happen?

Mass psychogenic disease is about the expression of physical signs and symptoms despite there is no ...

Adaptive disorder. Symptoms, causes and treatment

Discover what adaptive disorder is and how it manifests itself in a person who is experiencing inten...

Münchhausen syndrome, a factitious disorder

Discover what Münchhausen syndrome is, a psychological disorder in which people produce fictional sy...

Self -linked problems linked to this behavior

Discover the psychological problems behind non -suicidal self -harm in young people. What is it and ...