Mood disorders - page 2

Winter depression or seasonal affective disorder or winter blues

Winter depression has its origin and specific causes, being resistant to treatment. Currently, photo...

Circadian dysritmia as pathogenesis of endogenous depression

Endogenous depression is defined as that type of depressive disorder that is due to physiological in...

Depressive disorders What are they?

Depressive disorders belong to a reputation of disorders characterized by deep sadness, however, the...

The smiling depression, what is it and why it is so dangerous?

Smiling depression is not easy to detect. Those who suffer from it have learned to take good. Theref...

Bipolar disorder last advances

Bipolar disorder is encompassed within mood disorders. In this article this popular disorder is full...

Discover if antidepressants are effective

Do you really need antidepressants or anxiolytics? Discover if you are overmedicalized and if these ...

Instrumental aggression and hostile aggression, how they differ

Discover the different forms of aggression and how they affect others in this article....

How to act against suicidal publications on social networks

Today, social networks have become a means of communication for daily use, in which people of all ag...

Depression treatment drugs or psychotherapy?

Depression is understood as a state of sadness, negative thoughts, lack of desire, motivation and in...

Major depressive disorder, causes, symptoms and treatment

The major depressive disorder is so paralyzing that it can interrupt on a day -to -day basis. Sadnes...

Mania and hypomania, what they consist of

Discover what mania is and how it feels through this inspiring appointment. Wake up your senses and ...

Bipolar disorder, types, symptoms and treatment

Discover what bipolar disorder is, its symptoms and how it affects the daily life of those who suffe...