Mood disorders

Causes of more effective depression and treatments

Discover the main vulnerabilities that can cause depression, such as genetics and biology, in this i...

Atypical depression, a depression class

Discover the atypical depression, one of the different manifestations of this clinical picture that ...

How to recognize the first signs of depression

Depression is a disease that affects the mind and body producing changes at sleep, appetite and perc...

Sexuality and depression, how to maintain sexual desire?

Sexuality and depression are related, therefore, a depressed person can develop some sexual disorder...

Cerebral stimulation to cure depression

Deep and personalized brain stimulation seems to be a successful treatment to treat antidepressant d...

Paroxetine, know this popular antidepressant

Discover how paroxetine, an antidepressant medication, can improve your mood and reduce your anxiety...

Sitting depression is not enough is a real disease

Have you ever told you, don't want when you're sad? Discover why these phrases are not always useful...

Antidepressants and abstinence syndrome

Abstinence Syndrome not only occurs in drugs and alcohol, but also those who interrupt antidepressan...

Depression and anxiety, two sides of the same currency

Anxiety can be an etiological factor of depression. That is, a depressive state can be preceded by p...

Reactive depression What is your symptoms?

Discover the signs and symptoms of depression, a common and disabling psychological disorder, and ho...

Adaptation disorders

Adaptation disorders consist of the intensification of a normal reaction to a stressful fact that ca...

The bad depression

The poorly understood depression is one of the least understood disorders. Most people think it's ju...