Intelligence and thought

The 5 memory systems

Discover the importance of memory in our life and how it allows us to survive and cure emotional wou...

How to discover my talent? 5 keys to detect your skills

Talent defines one or several capacities that a person possesses but has failed to discover them and...

The dangers of an intellectual coefficient (CI)

Having a high intellectual coefficient (or quotient) can be dangerous, although many seek way of bei...

Cherry selective care experiment

Discover how Cherry's selective care experiment analyzes the listening process and the ability to se...

Thurstone's primary mental skills

Thurstone's primary mental skills was a proposed model to measure several intelligence capabilities....

Intelligence and happiness What is your relationship?

Intelligence and happiness are related, as evidenced by a study....

A positive attitude towards mathematics supports academic success

The positive attitude towards mathematics is key to academic success, although many consider it diff...

Is it born talented or is done?

What is talent? What hides behind elite performance? Is it born talented or can it forge? What does ...

Schrödinger's cat

Schrödinger's cat is a paradox according to which there is a cat inside a box, which is alive and de...

Edith Stern project

The Edith Stern project consisted of an experiment that Aaron Stern made with his own daughter, with...

The Polgár experiment

The Polgár experiment showed the world that geniuses are not born, but that they are made....


The fallacy of the straw man is an argument with him is intended to refute an idea that the other pe...