
Infographic on hemiplegia

7 frequent questions about hemiplegia and 10 challenges that are presented, how can we face them? Do...

Infographic cerebral or AVC

Infographics about stroke or acute cerebrovascular diseases. CLASSIFICATION OF ICTUS TYPES. Alert si...

Exercises to improve self -control

Combat stress brings you this precious infographics with exercises to improve self -control and thus...

Infographic with emotional intelligence phrases

Discover why emotional intelligence can be more important than intellectual coefficient to achieve s...

Wonderful phrases Will Smith

Wonderful infographics where the best phrases of Will Smith, famous actor, producer, composer and Am...

This is what happens to your body if you do not sleep enough

Discover the serious physical and mental consequences of not sleeping enough. Take care of your heal...

Know how not at work

Do you know how not to say in your work environment? What is the best way to do it, if you can be ha...

The impact of depression in Spain

Infographics on the impact of depression in Spain. Only in Spain, 2.5 million people suffer from dep...

10 tips to improve confidence in yourself

No one is born with absolute confidence in oneself. Trust is something we build day after day in our...

World sleep day

World sleep day. Beautiful Infographics about sleep the three pillars to improve sleep quality and s...