Social skills - page 2

Link between the choice of words and the extroverts

There is a link between the choice of words and extroverts, as demonstrated by a study conducted wit...

How do the pandemic face the introverts and extroverts? 4 recommendations

A common doubt is how the introverts and extroverts face the pandemic. Find out!...


The snowfath generation are those young adults who feel offended before most things....

COVID-19 and communication in times of crisis

The COVID-19 teaches us every day that it is necessary....

Johari's window a way of knowing you better

Johari's window is a tool that, although in principle it arose from cognitive psychology, today is u...

How to control impulsivity

Learning to control impulsivity is a future gain, since we can avoid dealing with the terrible conse...

Assertiveness and communication value

Assertivity is the ability to self -affirm one's rights, respecting ourselves and others. When we ar...

Rumors What are they, how they are formed and how to stop them?

Rumors are a proposition to make a topic believe without official verification, that is, someone pro...

Characteristics and strengths of introverts

Discover what introversion is and how it differs from extroversion in this article. Find your place ...

Secrets and Lies

Discover why we all lie and keep secrets, from a child who pretends crying to scammers like Bernard ...

Requests how to know how to do or refuse them

Why sometimes it costs us so much requests? Why do we feel bad when we say no? Learn strategies to r...

Social rejection and its psychological effects

Social rejection is a phenomenon that does not understand age or stages of life, whose psychological...