Social skills

Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Friendship

Sometimes maintaining virtually contact by messages on Instagram, Facebook or other social network c...

The importance of maintaining active listening and how to do it

Learn to be a great listener and improve your interpersonal relationships with the ability of active...

How to know if I am ambivery?

Discover if you are ambivery you are neither extroverted nor introverted, but intermediate. Learn mo...

Defensive attitude how to control it

Discover how defensive reactions can affect your interpersonal relationships and how to handle them ...

How to know if a friend is really. False friends/friends

How to know if a friend is really the question we sometimes do when we notice certain differences fr...

Learn to say no 5 keys to express what you think

People who do not know how to say do not end by devising others leaving themselves aside. The approv...

Manipulative people. How to discover and disassemble them

All people have ever fallen into the traps and entanglements of manipulative people. Those people wh...

What is the proxemic distance or personal space. 3 types

Discover the concept of proxemic distance and its importance in social relationships. Know more abou...

The Ice Law Why ignore a person is toxic behavior?

The ice law consists of a series of behaviors to ignore a person. Some people perform these types of...

How to manage conflicts effectively

The importance of attachment in our social relationships and how our emotional well -being can affec...

Interpersonal tension 4 keys to handle it

Learn to deal with interpersonal tension and not always give in to what others expect from you. Do y...

The Florida effect, how to influence others by changing our language

Discover how the type of language we use influences our behavior automatically and unconsciously. Th...