Famous Psychology phrases - page 2

75 famous phrases by Jorge Bucay

Jorge Bucay is a famous psychologist, of the gestalt and psychodramaturgous current, as well as a wr...

50 Phrases of Howard Gardner about Intelligence and Education

Discover Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences, a broader and more complete intelligence approach....

5 famous phrases of Wolfgang Köhler

The 5 best phrases of Wolfgang Köhler, was one of the main personalities that gave rise to Gestalt's...

Famous phrases from Francis Galton

Phrases Francis Galton Anthropologist, Geographer, Explorer, Inventor, Statistical, British Psycholo...

Famous phrases by Paul Watzlawick

Discover the life and work of Paul Watzlawick, psychologist and communication theorist, creator of t...

Jordan Peterson famous phrases

Loved by one, hated by others, but no one indifferent. This is Jordan Peterson, the Canadian intelle...

James M phrases. Cattell

James McKen Cattell (1860 - 1944) was an American psychologist famous for being the first person who...

Karl Abraham phrases about psychoanalysis

Discover the life and work of Karl Abraham, the first psychoanalyst in Germany and collaborator of S...

Famous phrases by Malanie Klein

Melanie Klein is one of the key figures of psychoanalysis. Based on Sigmund Freud's discoveries, he ...

Otto Rank phrases about psychology

Otto Rank (1884 - 1939) was an important Austrian writer, professor and psychoanalyst. Born in Vienn...

20 phrases by psychologist Stanley Milgram

Stanley Milgram (1933 - 1984) was a social psychologist at Yale University, Harvard University and N...

The best phrases and famous quotes by social psychologist Kurt Lewin

Discover the life and work of Kurt Lewin, the founder of social psychology and pioneer in the study ...