Famous Psychology phrases

15 phrases by Urie Bronfenbenner

These are the best phrases of Urie Bronfenbenner, which invite us to review his work....

21 phrases of Theodor Reik

These phrases of Theodor Reik will help us understand many episodes of his life, as well as part of ...

The 36 most shocking Eric Berne phrases

These are the most shocking Eric Berne phrases of his thinking, according to the followers of his th...

Gabriel Marcel's best phrases

Gabriel Marcel's phrases are really deep and inspiring, because they make us think of the great issu...

Kurt Koffka phrases

Kurt Koffka was a remarkable psychologist in the Gestalt area, his contributions are very important ...

21 phrases of Elizabeth Loftus

These phrases of Elizabeth Loftus will make anyone think about the veracity of their memories and qu...

17 Laura Perls phrases

These are some of Laura Perls most striking in its history. They were granted during an interview in...

Robert Sternberg's famous phrases

Meet Robert Sternberg, cognitive psychologist and former president of the APA. Discover more about y...

Celebres phrases of Virginia Satir

Discover the life and work of Virginia Satir, Psychotherapist and writer specialized in family thera...

Famous phrases of Joseph Campbell

Discover the life and work of Joseph Campbell, American mythologist and writer, creator of the analy...

60 Phrases of Fritz Perls, creator of Gestalt therapy

Fritz Perls was a renowned German psychotherapist and psychiatrist who coined the term Gestalt thera...

101 famous phrases of psychology

Fantastic collection of the best phrases of psychology, quotes that at some point said the great psy...