Enigmas and ingenuity games

Illusion of Penrose staircase

Discover the illusion of the Penrose ladder, also known as the infinite or impossible ladder, where ...


The optical illusion Phi makes us see fixed images in motion. This leads us to rethink about reality...

Marta's vineyard

Discover the moving history of Marta and her pioneer father at the time of the colony that tried to ...

With all the vowels

Is there a word with all the vowels? Discover the solution proposed by Sam Loyd in this article....

Drilling in Manila

Discover how hemp trade in the Philippines is controlled by Chinese exporters and how these products...


Discover the famous race between Achilles and the turtle, a philosophical paradox that challenges lo...

The puzzle 14 15

Discover the story behind the famous Puzzles 14-15 that went crazy to all in the 1870s. Do not miss ...

Grandfather's problem

Discover how a young from Boston questioned an ancient problem that has gone from generation to gene...

The pony puzzle

Discover the curious story behind the creation of the puzzle while traveling by boat with the govern...

Chickens in El Maizal

Discover how animals also enjoy the game and how this can be beneficial for their well -being. Read ...

Two turkeys

Discover how Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Brown bought two turkeys with different prices per pound in this fu...

Crows in El Maizal

Discover how a flock of crows uses military tactics to obtain its food in a cornfield. Incredible! #...