Emotions - page 2

Calculate happiness, is there a mathematical account?

Is there an account to calculate happiness? According to musician Benjamin Zander we can calculate w...

4 questions and a reflection that you should ask yourself to differentiate the physiological hunger from emotional hunger

Discover what emotional hunger is and how it differs from physiological hunger. Eating without the i...

Overcome psycho -emotional fatigue after quarantine

Politics according to Groucho Marx The art of looking for problems, finding them, making a false dia...

Chronic concern, what is and how to face it 5 recommendations

How chronic concern can affect your mental health and why it is important to learn to handle it. Dis...

What is abulia 20 symptoms

Discover what abulia is, an extreme apathy that is characterized by the lack of will and the inabili...

The importance of the feeling of belonging

The feeling of belonging refers to the value that a person gives to a thing. It can arise in many ar...

The distanced self -care facilitates emotional regulation 10 powerful reasons to practice it

The distanced self -care allows us to see a problem from different position to find a more suitable ...

Fish metaphor in psychology

Discover how the metaphor of the fish in psychology helps us to live fully and avoid getting trapped...

Overcome emotional dependence

How to deal with emotional dependence on relationships to be more independent and healthy in your pe...

7 myths on motherhood

The myths on motherhood have time installed, but, now there are more and more women who join the tru...

Abandoned child syndrome 15 signs

The abandoned child syndrome occurs when the little one feels unprotected; Then it will become an ad...

15 toxic habits that prevent you from being happy

These toxic habits that prevent you from being happy can be changed by others in which well -being i...