
Emotional vulnerability What is and how can we handle it?

Discover the truth about emotional vulnerability is neither positive or negative, and falling into e...

Lack of empathy 16 signs that betray it

Empathy is a characteristic that can prevent healthy coexistence. Frequently, it gives rise to confl...

The narration of your life influences your emotions

The narration of your life influences your emotions and thoughts, because we are the protagonists of...

How to be vulnerable and not suffer for it

Surely you fill yourself with fear and think that they can judge you or that you will be missed. How...

Benefits of listening to classical music

Discover the real benefits of classical health music and how to take advantage of them in this artic...

How to overcome fear of failure practical advice

The fear of failure is one of the most frequent phobias presented by most people. This embarrass is ...

Why do we miss?

Discover why we miss someone and how to overcome that feeling of longing and pain before their absen...

The 9 laws of the emotions of Nico beans

Discover the laws of emotions and how they help the adaptation of people, according to the study of ...

Sadness of Sunday afternoon or dark Sunday

Sunday afternoon marks the transition between the end week and the one that begins. It means again f...

How to overcome nostalgia at Christmas? 10 recommendations

How to overcome nostalgia at Christmas Tips to enjoy emotions without being carried away by sadness....

Is it used to count up to 10 so as not to get carried away by anger?

Discover whether counting up to 10 really works to control anger and where its success lies in this ...

Postvacational depression, what is behind?

Postvacational depression brings together symptoms such as fatigue, anhedonia, sadness, general disc...