Psychology curiosities - page 2

What is the meaning of lilac or violet color in psychology?

The lilac is a color that is usually related to violet, purple, misty blue, purple, lavender or dark...

Blue color psychology meaning and effects on the human mind. Are you a blue person?

The blue tone has always had a great effect on the human psyche, largely due to symbolism and the re...

What is the meaning of gold color in psychology?

Gold is a yellow tone is also related to the sun. Another curiosity related to this is how the Incas...

Pollyanna syndrome, or the danger of being too happy

Pollyanna syndrome, refers to people who are too optimistic, which causes a bias....

The law of Fraisse and the subjective conception of time

Discover how Fraisse's Law addresses the subjective analysis of time and its relationship with produ...

Walter Mitty syndrome or excessive reverie

Walter Mitty syndrome refers to all those people who dream awake all day....

Study milk teeth warn of future mental disorders

Discover how milk teeth can predict mental disorders in children, according to a study by the Univer...

Snoezelen multisensory stimulation rooms

Snoezelen multisensory stimulation rooms are interactive spaces designed to help people with cogniti...

The truth after the superiority complex

Discover how the superiority complex affects insecure people who hide their feelings after a disguis...

Entropy and its role in aging

Entropy and aging are related, then, entropy tends towards destruction....

How the purchase cart influences we consummate more

Recent research has shown how the design of the purchase cart influences us so that we consummate mo...

The woozle effect when the lie seems true

This is also known as evidence by appointment, since it is appointments of publications that lack fo...