Psychology curiosities

Differences between female and masculine brain, do they exist?

Society seeks psychological differences between men and women, but is this really necessary? Discove...

Do animals suffer from mental disorders?

Discover how mental disorders also affect animals, including your dog, and how humans can help....

The masks make us more attractive, discover why

Did you know that masks make us more attractive? Discover how science confirms it and why you may wa...

What means and represents the red color in psychology?

The red color has been a sign of power and nobility, anger, aggressiveness, love, passion even in so...

Affective prediction, what is it?

Discover how affective prediction can help us predict future emotional states and how our decisions ...

What means and represents the black color in psychology?

Black is often related to wealth, intelligence, seriousness, negativity, evil, the unknown, formalit...

What means and represents pink or fuchsia in psychology?

The magenta or fuchsia color is a nuance that has been linked to spirituality and goodness for decad...

What means and represents the white color in psychology?

White is an inverse color to black and represents absolute clarity or absence of opacity. This tone ...

What does yellow color mean according to psychology

Yellow can be a brilliant and intense tone, and that is why he can invoke strong feelings. This nuan...

What does green color mean according to psychology

The green color is refreshing and at the same time relaxing. It is stimulating and at the same time ...

What does orange color mean according to psychology

Orange color is one of the secondary nuances that relates to the exotic, fun and enthusiasm. But not...

What is the meaning of silver color in psychology?

The silver color generally goes unnoticed among all existing coloration nuance or that we are someti...