Psychological currents - page 2

Biography of Alfred Adler (1870-1937)

Alfred Adler was a very important Austrian doctor, he is considered an important historical figure i...

Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler 7 Principles

Alfred Adler's individual psychology is a psychological theory that starts from psychoanalytic assum...

Positivism in philosophy 10 remarkable points

I will be what many think, positivism in philosophy is not about happiness or assume optimistic atti...

Depressive realism a current between psychology and philosophy

Depressive realism is a current that assumes that depressive people are the ones who have the real a...

Myth of Tanatos Why are we afraid of dying?

Discover the myth of Tanatos and why we are afraid of dying. Know the personification of death in We...

Freud and Patriarchy Jung. Matriarchy

Discover the differences between Freud and Jung in their psychology and how fratriarchy can be the s...

Objectives of Jung's analytical psychology

Discover the objectives of Jung's analytical psychology in a brief synthesis of 10 key points. What ...

Glossary of Jungian Terms

Discover the Glossary of Jungian terms to better understand Jung's analytical psychology and its mai...

Innatist and ethology psychology, the study of adaptive behavior

Innatist psychology and ethology are two approaches from which we can understand a large number of v...

Bandura self -efficacy theory

Do you want to know what self -efficacy is and how it influences our behavior and self -control? In ...

Experimental psychology and their contributions

Experimental psychology is a branch of psychology that uses the scientific method to conduct researc...

Kohlberg's moral development theory

Kohlberg's moral development theory has gained a lot of relevance today. Every time, more interested...