Psychological currents

Necrophilia according to Erich Fromm

Discover how necrophilia is the opposite of biophilia according to Erich Fromm and how the lack of l...

Maslow's Metamotivation and Metapathology

Discover how Maslow's metamotivation and metapathology can be relevant to life beyond psychology and...

7 traits of self -realized people, according to Maslow

Discover how Maslow's humanistic psychology defines a self -realized person as someone who has reach...

The 4 stoicism values ​​that inspired psychology

Discover how cognitive-behavioral therapy and stoicism are related to psychology and how stoic philo...

The current of transactionism, everything depends on the perspective

Discover the current of transactionism and how it considers that there is a dialogue between human b...


Discover the transversality of anthropology and how it can cover from coexistence with indigenous tr...

Genetic psychology, what is and what studies 6 characteristics

Discover genetic psychology, the branch that studies the genesis of human development from Piaget's ...

Dynamic psychology

Discover dynamic psychology, an approach that studies the forces that act in the individual and the ...

The sand man in psychoanalysis

The sand man was a horror story written by Hoffman and from which Freud took foundations to introduc...

Buddhist psychology 4 noble truths

Buddhist psychology is an oriental system that has been incorporated into the West with the purpose ...

Dark psychology, what is it? 20 keys

Dark psychology is a term that many use to refer to the darkest features of a person....

Deep Psychology 4 Areas

Deep psychology is defined as a psychological branch that is responsible for the study of the uncons...