
15 tips to obtain financial independence

Financial independence is something that many yearn because it gives them purchasing power and freed...

The wheel of emotions

Robert Plutchik's emotions wheel is a very useful tool that uses today those who are dedicated to co...

How to leave the mentality of scarcity

To achieve goals and succeed in life, it is necessary to abandon the mentality of scarcity and conne...

How can coaching help you

Discover how coaching can help you and learn to develop all your potentialities making use of your o...

Coaching wingwave, what is and how works?

Coaching Wingwave is a method, developed by German psychologists, which seeks to stimulate both cere...

What is the Executive Coaching

Discover the history of executive coaching and how it has evolved since its appearance in 1985. What...

5 tips to overcome yourself without stress

Discover how to overcome yourself pleasantly and without overwhelming you in the process. Find the m...

What characteristics should a good coach have? 9 keys

As in all professions, we can affirm that the perfect coach does not exist. Knowledge is a continuou...

What is and what is not coaching?

Discover what coaching is and how it helps you achieve your personal and professional goals. Improve...

The practice, the key to succeed in life

Discover why geniuses and celebrities are successful and you don't. The answer may surprise you!...

Coaching What is? Basic concepts

Discover why coaching is a personal development tool for those who seek something new and want to ch...

Motivation to achieve your goals

Discover the theories behind human motivation rationalism, mechanism and empirical determinism. What...