Biographies of prominent authors in psychology and psychiatry

Biography of Jean Laplanche (1924-2012)

Jean Laplanche was an important and recognized psychoanalyst, who returned to Freud's works....

Biography of Joy Paul Guilford (1897-1987)

Know the theory of intelligence and creativity of Joy Paul Guilford, an American psychologist who la...

Biography of Carol Ryff

Carol Ryff is a prominent psychologist, who has investigated issues about psychological well -being,...

Biography of Martin Seligman (1942)

Martin Seligman is considered the father of positive psychology. Has made important contributions in...

Biography of John Dewey (1859-1952)

Discover the life and work of John Dewey, the most important American philosopher, pedagogue and psy...

Biography of Dora M. Kalff (1904-1990)

Discover the technique of the Dora M sand box. Kalff, Swiss psychologist follower of C.G. Jung, to p...

Biography of Franz Gall (1758-1828)

Franz Gall was the pioneer of frenology, an area that, although it has no scientific validity, opene...

Biography of Lewis Terman (1877-1956)

Lewis Terman's biography is as incredible as controversy. His proposals on the tests to measure inte...

Biography of Elena Grigorenko (1965)

Elena Grigorenko is one of the most admired intellectual women today. With just 25 years I was alrea...

Biography of Robert Woodworth (1869-1962)

Robert Woodworth was a brilliant thinker in different fields, especially in psychology thanks to his...

Biography of John Bowlby (1907 - 1990)

John Bowlby was a remarkable psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, created from attachment theory....

Biography of Claude Robert Cloninger (1944)

Cloninger is one of the few authors in the field of medicine that self -transcendence and spirituali...