Ryan Bogisich, articles

Does it serve to sleep?

Setraline is an antidepressant medication that is not specifically prescribed to treat sleep problem...

Triptomax What is it, what is it for, side effects and opinions

Triptomax is a food complement based on tryptophan with vitamin B, iron and magnesium, which improve...

Nortriptiline what is, function, dose and side effects

In this article, we will give you information about nortriptyline, an effective medicine to treat de...

Types of psychopharmaceuticals

If you ask what psychopharmaceuticals are and how many guys are there, in this article we tell you w...

What is the best medicine for depression

What is the best medicine for depression? We explain the types and functions of antidepressants, wha...

Alprazolam to sleep doses, how to take it and side effects

Alprazolam, also known as Travelimazin or Xanax, is one of the most prescribed psychotropic drugs in...

Popper what is, types and effects

Do you know what Popper is? The drug known as liquid gold. Know the existing popper types and the pr...

If I take trashimazin, can I drink alcohol?

If I take trashimazin, can I drink alcohol? Side effects are mixed alpralozam and alcohol range from...


Discover the best positive psychology phrases give energy, they present a different side of the situ...

Psychological contract what is, characteristics and types with examples

The psychological contract in the company is very important to guarantee the well -being and proper ...

How to calm anxiety at work

Do you want to know how to calm anxiety at work? Here you will find the best way to do it step by st...

Personal motivation techniques at work

The motivation at work is a psychological phenomenon that implies that the needs and desires of empl...