Perry Hirthe, articles

Side effects of deprax

Discover the side effects of deprax the first days, in the long term and the side effects when stopp...

Types of Benzodiazepines List and effects

The 10 types of benzodiazepines classified according to their half -life and all its effects and sid...

What happens if you take antidepressants and alcohol? Effects and consequences

What happens if you take antidepressants and alcohol? Both substances increase serotonin in the brai...

Phrases to encourage a sad friend

Collection of 100 phrases to encourage a sad friend. A word of breath can bring the necessary courag...

Emotional intelligence at work

Emotional intelligence at work contributes many benefits to both workers and the operation and resul...

How to handle work stress

How to handle stress work. In this article we explain 15 tips to help you handle work stress. You wi...

Types of work interviews

Discover here the 7 types of work interviews and how to overcome them. We offer you the keys to doin...

How to mount and manage a psychology cabinet

If you are thinking of undertaking a new business and opening a psychology office, you should know w...

How to protect yourself from envy at work

Envy is a very little productive feeling, it makes personal relationships difficult and affects our ...

What is Holistic Psychology

Holistic psychology observes how the parties work together and studies the individual as a whole....

Skinner's box what this experiment consists of

Skinner's box is a cage in which a mouse can activate a food dispenser playing a lever. From that ex...

Difference between temperament, character and personality

Difference between temperament, character and personality. This trio of terms acquired relevance wit...