Kristopher Greenholt, articles

Side effects of long -term paroxetine

1. Headaches 2. Sexual dysfunction 3. Restlessness and tremors 4. Body weight gain 5. Gastrointestin...

What are phenotiazines functions, types and side effects

In this article we will provide you with information about what phenotiazines are, what these chemic...

My partner drugs, why and what can I do?

The causes of drug use are genetic and environmental. Through therapy, you can understand the origin...

Imipramina What is, function, dose and side effects

Imipramine is a psychotropic of the tricyclic antidepressants group whose mechanism of action is bas...

Tryptizol What is it, what is the use and side effects

Tryptizol is an antidepressant and serves to increase norepinephrine and serotonin levels. It is use...

How to help a ludopath

How to help a ludopath? How to help a person with problems with ludopathy? How to help a ludopath th...

How to prevent alcoholism in young people

How to prevent alcoholism in young people? 14 Strategies to reduce alcohol consumption in adolescent...

Phrases about the repentance of a person

We bring you the best famous phrases about repentance, short, philosophical and phrases about repent...

Phrases to fall in love with your partner

Phrases to fall in love with your partner. Get ready to find the sweetest, emotional and beautiful t...

Questions to meet someone you like

Questions to meet someone you like. We propose questions to talk, funny questions, questions of whet...

Labor harassment definition and examples

Discover what you can do to combat workplace harassment identifying it and avoiding falling into the...

The powers in the company types and forms of evaluation

The powers in the company types and forms of evaluation. The term power is considered by the Diction...