Josh Runolfsson II, articles - page 2

Emotional Intelligence in Children

Emotional Intelligence in Children - Relationship with autism and giftedness What is emotional intel...

Early stimulation exercises for babies

Early stimulation exercises for babies. Early stimulation is to enhance neuronal connections. Exampl...

What is dysphasia definition, types, causes and treatment

What is dysphasia definition, types, causes and treatment. Dysphasia is an alteration in language de...

How to prevent cyberbullying

How to prevent cyberbullying. We can prevent cyberbullying with education in values ​​and good use o...

What is cyberbullying causes and consequences

What is cyberbullying the definition, causes and consequences of cyberbullying for victims and stalk...

Why does ghosting but it doesn't block me

If a person makes you ghosting but it does not block you, it can be due to lack of interest, insecur...

How to act when a man reappears

1. Keep emotional control 2. Stay firm 3. Express your feelings well 4. Evaluate your feelings 5. Co...

How to know if my partner loves me but is not in love

If your partner loves you but is not in love you can notice a lack of passion, limited communication...

Excessive reverie disorder, symptoms, causes and treatment

Excessive reverie disorder consists of a clinical picture that is characterized by the presence of c...

Challenging opposition disorder what is, causes, symptoms and treatment

Challenging opposition disorder is a disorder that manifests itself with negative, challenging and h...

Yoga types and their characteristics

Hatha, Ashtanga-Yoga, Nindra, Kundalini Jivamukti, Prenatal Yoga, Iyengar, Vinyasa, Yin Yoga, Therap...


The best infusions to sleep, relax and rest are those that carry chamomile, valerian, tila, white ba...