Josh Runolfsson II, articles

Side effects of mirtazapine in the first days

1. Somnolence 2. Constipation 3. Increase or loss of body weight 4. Dizziness 5. Vomiting 6. Headach...

Chlorpromazine what is it, what is it for, doses and side effects

We bring you information about chlorpromazine. Discover what it is, what is this psychotropic, the r...

Types of antidepressants and what are they for

The 7 types of antidepressants and what are the use of tricyclic antidepressants, monoamineoxidase i...

5 phrases to be happy with David Hume

5 phrases to be happy with David Hume. David Hume is a philosopher who has gone down in history with...

What is happiness according to philosophy and how to achieve it

What is happiness? Philosophy offers answers to this question. Authors and philosophers have express...

29 original phrases to congratulate Christmas

The best phrases to congratulate Christmas will find them below! We offer you elegant, short, beauti...

Herzberg's theory of the two factors on labor motivation

Herberg's theory of the two factors on labor motivation postulates that motivation factors increase ...

General Scale of job satisfaction

General Scale of job satisfaction. In response to how you feel about different aspects in the field ...

Types of amnesia and their characteristics

Discover what are the types of amnesia and their characteristics. Knowing relevant and precise data ...

Types of perception in psychology

If you wonder what are the types of perception in psychology, in this article we tell you what the p...

Undercover conditioning what is, techniques and examples

Discover what undercover conditioning is, the different techniques to be applied with this type of a...

The psychological experiment of the Pávlov dog

The psychological experiment of Pávlov's dog is one of the most important discoveries of psychology,...