Hugh Greenholt, articles

Can take sertraline change my life?

Taking sertraline can have a significant impact on your life by helping you treat the symptoms of de...

Escitalopram What is it, what is the use and side effects

Escitalopram is an antidepressant medicine selective inhibitor of serotonin reuptake (SSRIs) ndicate...

Summial What is it for, how long does it take for effect and side effects

The summial is the name with which Propranolol is known, a psychotropic that produces a relaxation i...

Anapsique what it is, what is the use and side effects

Discover what Anapsique is, what is the use and side effects for. Psychopharmaceuticals can be used ...

Mirtazapina What is it, what is it for, contraindications and side effects

Mirtazapine is a tetracyclical antidepressant medication that prevents the reuptake of serotonin and...

Types of alcoholism

How many types of alcoholism are there and what are? There are 7 types according to the mode and qua...

Phrases to arouse emotions in your partner

Phrases to arouse emotions in your partner. People, both men and women need to share our emotions wi...

The consequences of workplace harassment

The consequences of workplace harassment. In the Mobbing phenomenon, it has gained special importanc...

What is positive reinforcement in psychology and examples

Do you know what positive reinforcement is in psychology? We tell you how to apply the strategy, wha...

What is Spearman's bifactorial theory and how it applies

Discover what Spearman's bifactorial theory consists of, what factors compose it, how to apply it an...

What is a discriminative stimulus in psychology

The discriminative stimulus is the technical term in behavioral psychology to indicate something, as...

The major influence of the majority and conformity

What is Asch's experiment? Discover more about the influence of the majority and conformity, that is...