Austin Stokes, articles

Clinics cites the best detoxification center for addiction treatment

Clinics cites the best detoxification center for addiction treatment. Having a detoxification center...

What is what is, what is it for, doses and side effects

Do you know what is desipramina? Discover what this psychotopármaco is for, in cases it is usually u...

Amitriptyline what is it, what is it for, doses, contraindications and side effects

Amitriphylin is a tricyclic antidepressant psychotropic that increases noreon and serotonin levels a...

Love messages for my partner

Love messages for my partner. List of long love messages for your partner, beautiful messages, good ...

Theory of VROOM expectations formula and examples

VROOM's theory of expectations postulates that labor motivation depends on the expectations of the w...

Management software for psychologists how it works and advantages

Do you want to improve the productivity of your psychological consultation? In this article you will...

What is the delta stimulus in psychology

The delta stimulus in psychology is a stimulus in the presence of which a particular response will n...

Unconditioned stimulus what is and examples

What is the unconditioned stimulus? A stimulus that can trigger, naturally and automatically, an ans...

Basic instincts of the human being what are, types and examples

Know what the basic instincts of the human being are, the types of instincts that exist and some exa...

How to motivate a child to study

How to motivate a child to study, learn, read or write. What is motivation, types of motivation, int...

My son is depressed what do I do?

My son is depressed what do I do? or my son has depression how did he help him? You can help your ch...

How to know if a couple is broken

1. Your presence 2 bothers you. No trust 3. A very toxic dynamic 4 is created. Blames you for everyt...