Zoophilia knows its causes and treatment

Zoophilia knows its causes and treatment

The zoophilia is one Sexual paraphilia Very controversial. But, like everything in this life, the first thing to do to talk about something is to know it. So ... pay attention!


  • What is zoophilia?
  • It's something bad?
  • Causes of zoophilia
  • Zoophilia treatment

What is zoophilia?

Few doubts fit that Sexuality is a fundamental part of the human being, Without which we would be "lame". The usual thing is that what wishes us for the desire is another person with enough capacity and maturity to have relationships. However, it's not always like that.

In some cases, The person in question experiences a sexual attraction for someone or something that not only is not typical, but it can become illegal and/or harmful to itself or for others (including the object of pleasure, of course).

In most cases, the person feels bad when performing such sexual activity, since he is aware that he is doing something that society rejects (and, sometimes, even the subject himself rejects it, but cannot avoid it).

In the specific case of zoophilia, in addition to being something that rejects society and that, therefore, makes the subject feel bad, It is a paraphilia that damages another living being. That is, it damages the animal in question.

And is that, entering into matter, Zoophilia is paraphilia according to which the subject feels affective and sexual attraction to animals. It should be noted that there is a difference between zoophilia and bestialism, although, sometimes, they get confused.

Zoophilia is affective and sexual attraction towards animals, without more. Bestialism is the act of having sex with an animal. That is, when the paraphilica fantasy is consumed. That is why there may be zoophilicians who have never had sex with animals (although it is rare).

It's something bad?

This question has two ways to answer. On the one hand, We can talk about whether it is good or bad in a generic sense, and on the other hand, We can talk about whether it is good or bad for the person who has this paraphilia.

On the side of whether it is good or bad in a generic sense, as we know, What is good or bad depends on what society considers. And society tends to consider that it is bad. Bad, aberrant and, in many cases, worthy of being legally chased.

In fact, In many legal codes a form of animal abuse is considered (That's right). Therefore, we can say that, in that generic sense, it is a bad thing.

Now, what about the person who is zoophilic? For him it is also a bad thing, because, in general, It tends to be ashamed of the acts he commits, and that causes anxiety and discomfort.

In addition, to the extent that it is an irreparable fixation, it is normal for this feeling of discomfort to repeat the practice, entering a vicious circle that usually ends up deteriorating his life at a social and labor level.

Causes of zoophilia

On the part of the causes, Still the causes of zoophilia are not known exactly, although there are some intuitions and hypotheses. In general, two hypotheses are usually raised:

On the one hand, It can be a relationship between sexual and animals that is given by chance and the brain associates them (For example, have the stage masturbatory in one place with animals). For the other, It may be due to loneliness and lack of human contact (This would explain that zoophilia occurs more in rural areas than in cities).

This last hypothesis is the strongest, since, in addition, it relies on the fact that the person is usually the one who takes care of these animals, developing a special connection to the point of humanizing the animal.

Zoophilia treatment

As for treatment, it is also something subject to debate. However, currently, It is assumed that the only effective way to treat this paraphilia is through psychological therapy.

The therapies seek to attend the behavioral and cognitive sequences of the individual, trying to enhance another type of sexual excitement and trying to eliminate the erotic elements of his paraphilia.

It should be mentioned that, unlike other paraphilias that do not imply damage to third parties, zoophilia does deserve and must be treated, because, in practice, it implies the violation of an animal (since it is not able to give consent).

Thus, the zoophilia It is a little or nothing tolerated paraphilia by our societies (although there are some exceptions) and, in addition, it usually leads to harm animals. Therefore, it is best to undergo a treatment to stop being zoophilic.