Male and female erogenous zones, what are and where are they?

Male and female erogenous zones, what are and where are they?

There is no doubt that in order to enjoy sexual relations as rewarding as possible, it is very important to know both our body and that of our partner, to know what we like and those areas that more or less pleasure provide us and as the stimulation of the calls erogenous zones are able to activate our desire and that of our partner.


  • What is an erogenous area?
  • Primary erogenous zones
  • Secondary erogenous zones
    • Potential erogenous zones

What is an erogenous area?

A erogenous zone is the part of the body that is sexually excited when it is touched or stimulated.

The differences between men and women have always been imposed when classifying these parts of the body, traditionally the male gender has always been the worst stop since its erogenous zones have limited to little more than the penis and the testicles, in front of the alleged greater complexity and sensitivity of the female body. Despite these beliefs, numerous studies show that there is a great correlation level between men and women, the only thing that changes is intensity. The variability is especially individual, since it changes from one person to another depending on their individuals, learning and individual characteristics.

We find three types of erogenous zones, let's see them.

Primary erogenous zones

Are the areas that They include sexual organs, these are characterized by having numerous nerve endings. In women they are the clitoris and the vagina. The optimal way of caressing the clitoris is through circular movements, while the vagina is stimulated to be carried out through the muscle contraction of penetration, either of the penis, of the fingers or a toy.

In men, the primary erogenous zones are located in the penis. To achieve excitation, the movement must be rubbing, imitating penetration.

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Secondary erogenous zones

Are those areas that When they are touched, they cause the excitation of the primary areas, in addition to enhancing sexual pleasure for themselves. These areas do not necessarily cause the orgasm.

In women we find these areas in the area of ​​the pubic area, the buttocks, the lips and entrance of the vagina, the perineum, the anus and the breasts, especially areola and nipple.

In men these areas are found mainly in the area around the anus, the perineum and the interior sides of the thighs and chest.

We will describe these erotic zones a little more:

  • Mouth; This includes lips and tongue. Let's not forget that it is one of the sexual instruments with more possibilities, since you can kiss, lick, bite. You just have to let the imagination use and give it the status that deserves.
  • Neck, neck, shoulders and back. They thank from a good massage with hot oil, to the game with an ice cube.
  • Ears; lobes and rear of the same. In addition to playing with them, they can also be used to whisper sensual words and thus intensify more pleasant sensations
  • Breasts and nipples: Caresses in this area are usually more stimulating for women than for men. In fact, there are women to reach orgasm with the only stimulation of the nipples ..
  • Thighs: Especially the internal part, the sensations increase as we approach the genital area
  • Perineum: It is the area that extends between the anus and the vagina or the scrotum. Its stimulation is very pleasant since it has many nerve endings
  • Testicles: If they carefully care, many men love cares in this area.
  • And of course, buttocks and anus; a highly sensitive area that is worth stimulating.

Potential erogenous zones

It can be considered that all the skin is an erogenous area, although there are more prone parts to produce sexual excitement they are caressed or kissed.

This is the body parts that, although they are not considered as an erogenous, Its stimulation can lead to cause exciting sensations and stimulate primary areas. These areas actually have an erotic dimension and have great individual differentiation both to their location and the intensity in the excitation they produce.

For example, we find people who are very excited if they are touched feet, he belly button or the neck, For example, on the other hand, other people who dislike the rubbing of these areas. This individual variety plays our mind a lot and our Individual learning.

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In the sensitivity of the areas of our body there is a Innate part and another acquired. According to several studies, apparently physical contact with the mother during childhood plays a determining role in the child's sensory perceptions, the greater the more receptivity contact. An explanation offered by some experts of why women have more sensitive areas than men, it is because female babies seem to be given greater physical samples of affection.

In any case, The erogenous zones give pleasure if we are relaxed and receptive, If at the time we are stressed or worried, they will produce tickles or even discomfort.

As these areas are very sensitive, they have to take care of a lot, since if there is no adequate sexual excitation, their stimulation or Too intense stimulation can be unpleasant and even painful, For that reason, these areas must be left at rest during the refractory period, in which there is hypersensitivity and the minimum friction can even be annoying.

In conclusion we can say that the knowledge of our pleasure areas and those of our partner will help us enrich our sexual life greatly.

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