YouTube and the whole for fame, psychological consequences

YouTube and the whole for fame, psychological consequences

Young people who count their greatest intimacies, adults who make aboxing with their supermarket purchases, hours dedicated to showing video games, heavy jokes, live births, couple breakups, tears ... Does it sound like you? We are in the era of "Everything for a Like" and YouTube is the means that has made it possible.


  • YouTube is the new television
  • YouTubers, the stars of the millennial generation
  • The order car brought to the limit: all for fame
  • The consequences on mental health

YouTube is the new television

It is already a fact, YouTube has replaced TV, especially among spectators children under 35 who choose the online platform before the old television programming. Without a doubt, with more than one billion users, YouTube is available to everyone and we can find content of all kinds, from music, to kitchen tutorials or documentaries.

It is not surprising what accessibility and ease with which we can all expose ours Telerreality It also has a place and is accepted as something natural.

YouTubers, the stars of the millennial generation

In Spain, only 14% of youtubers generate enough income to live on it, so what are the motivations that can lead us to put us behind a camera and produce videos sometimes talking about ourselves of ourselves?

Sometimes it is about giving notoriety to a personal brand, making us laugh, venting or in many cases, achieving attention and acceptability that are scarce in real life and that is consistent with the needs of a generation that sublimates narcissism as a summit to The one to aspire.

The contents are varied, from fashion tutorials, health and beauty preferred mostly by women to video game channels and jokes, mostly followed by boys. However, the highest personal content that generates more visits.

This is due to psychological connection they create with the viewer, that can be identified and empathized with the Vblogger, generating a feeling of company, familiarity and immediacy that can supply the affective deficiencies that we have in real life.

This is why the viewer prefers the authenticity and intimacy that the youtuber transmits to those caused by the celebrities of a lifetime. This can become positive if it contributes to mutual support or learning, or simply to throw a fun in front of the screen, but What happens when the search for fame becomes an obsession?

What is the Pratfall effect: the perfect person vs. imperfect

The order car brought to the limit: all for fame

This need to be the center of attention can reach worrying limits in which the adults themselves expose their most personal intimacies and even their family life, becoming daily protagonists of world fame to their minor children.

Thus, we can find 5 -year -old youtubers like Arantxa which shows its toys for years to thousands of spectators or the case of Spanish YouTuber Verdeliss, whose family life is transmitted to a million subscribers who have come to see from the birth of each of their children to their daily problems since they are babies.

Other extreme cases are families such as Brataylay In the US that after making their life a reality. Although perhaps, the most popular case is that of the family OFIVE, who came to lose the custody of their children for making constant jokes with the sole objective of gaining visualizations, causing them dramatic psychological consequences.

The consequences on mental health

"You are constantly looking for validation. It becomes a support system in which you grow to trust, a cycle of huge peaks of happiness and doubt depressions." Explained the Vblogger Lucy Woods in an article on how Internet impacted its mental health.

The need for exhibitionism can be a strategy to find validation and acceptance or to cause the desire of the public, In the most narcissistic cases.

The popularity they generate talking about themselves creates an illusion of achievement that does not correspond to real -life goals; Being observed and beloved by strangers generates such intense expectations that they can unbalance a person's emotional stability.

In this line he announced PEWDIEPIE, The youtuber with more subscribers in the world, which left its channel for a time overwhelmed by the pressure of its fame. EITHER The Rubius, The most popular YouTuber in Spanish, which declared in Time magazine: “I know that maybe I oversted too much in some videos and that before it was more natural […], but it is difficult to have the pressure of so many people waiting to be entertaining."

In turn, the consumer of these channels, normally of a young age, takes examples that are sometimes not recommended: the generation of "all for Like" sublimates a life model in which The effort and vanity and egocentrism, what contributes to the infantilization of a society whose models to follow move away from healthier canons.

Follow youtubers with a self-esteem Healthy can be a good way to have fun, learn and even feel supported, but when the whole for fame is the only goal and market demands make staggering the values ​​and emotional stability even of the youngest, perhaps it is time to consume content more responsible.