

Divide the board using straight lines that go through it completely so that form separate areas for wolves (represented with green squares) and sheep (represented with blue circles). The lines can turn 90º only at black points and there can be no empty areas. Complete instructions

Level: ▼ ▲

Complete instructions

The objective of the game is to separate the wolves (represented with green squares) of the sheep (represented with blue circles). For this you have to draw straight lines that cross the entire board and that they can only turn 90º in the black points at the intersections of some boxes.

Touch or click on the side of a box to draw a straight line. Touch or click again to delete it.

The buttons bar From the top will allow you to perform the following actions:

  • Restart the current game: Eliminates the progress of the current game and starts it again with the same board.
  • Undo the last movement: Allows to go back in the movements made.
  • Redo the previous moving: If you got rid of the last movement you can rebuild it by clicking this button.
  • Repeat all movements: Repeat all movements.
  • Show the solution: The game will be automatically solved and the completed board will show you.
  • Detailed instructions of the game: Access to the instructions of the game you are reading.
  • ▼ ▲ Select level: Allows you to select the game level. Use the buttons to select the following or previous level, or write the level number.

Game developed by Otto Janko.