Walter Riso Biography, books and their best phrases

Walter Riso Biography, books and their best phrases

One of the criteria you can consider when selecting books on personal growth is to look at the author's trajectory that has written it. In this article in Psychology-online, we deepen around Walter Riso: biography, books and their best phrases. A trip through its most relevant titles and its inspirational reflections. Thanks to social networks, you can be informed of the updates shared by this writer with a legacy of reflections, phases and very interesting books.

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  1. Walter Riso biography
  2. Walter Riso books
  3. Walter Riso's best phrases

Walter Riso biography

From the formative point of view, in the curriculum of Walter Riso highlights its specialization as Doctor in Psychology. This author so known to readers, since his books have been translated into more than twelve languages, has an extensive work trajectory as a psychologist. He is an expert in cognitive and bioethical therapy. Something remarkable in the biography of Walter Riso is its professional career, which revolves around two fundamental axes: university teaching and writing (publication of articles and books).

Walter Riso was born in Italy, specifically, in Naples. His birth in 1951 marks the beginning of this biography that continues in Buenos Aires. Place where Walter Riso, along with his family, lived his childhood. At present, Walter Riso lives in Latin America and Europe.

In the biography of Walter Riso there are no lack of academic data. Riso is a clinical psychologist from the National University of San Luis, Master in Bioethics from the University of the Forest in Bogotá, a specialist in cognitive therapy from the University of Norte de Barranquilla and Doctor Honoris Causa in Psychology by the Private University San Pedro. In addition, in the professional biography of Walter Riso also highlights his work as a founder to form (research center and behavior therapy). Riso is also the honorary president of the Colombian Society of Cognitive Therapy.

Walter Riso is writer and also lecturer. His books have been translated into several languages. Among them, Greek, German, English and Dutch. As a professional, he not only shares his knowledge through the published books, he also gives conferences. In a clear and simple language, it addresses issues of interest to the reader on personal development, search for happiness, self -esteem, happiness, love, emotional intelligence, personal relationships and human issues. His books are an invitation to reflect on the universal art of the search for happiness.

These are some of Walter Riso's books: In love or enslaved, Fidelity is much more than love, Male affectivity, Question of dignity and Highly dangerous loves.

Walter Riso books

Next, we list a selection of titles from Walter Riso books:

  • The limits of love. This Walter Riso book deepens around The bases of a healthy love that part of an emotional intelligence that breaks with the idealization scheme. A relationship based on a mature love needs limits that start from a realistic principle that strengthens people's self -esteem: love, by itself, does not justify everything.
  • ¿Loving or depending? A very suggestive title that can complement the reading of "The limits of love". A work that Reflect on dependency as a form of suffering that conditions the potential for the development and happiness of two people who establish a bond of need that breaks with the beauty of freedom.
  • Fall in love with you. The relationship you have with you is key in your level of satisfaction with this. To deepen around your own essence, you can delight in reading these pages with reflections of self -love and psychological care. Finding time to meet yourself and deepen your own reality is a desirable purpose of introspection. Therefore, this Walter Riso book can be a good gift.
  • I already told you goodbye, now how I forget you. The grieving process that accompanies the pain of a sentimental break or a loving disappointment represents an opportunity to Start a new stage From a new perspective. The passage of the days and weeks helps to minimize that pain that is especially intense in its initial phase. However, the minutes do not do everything for themselves in their own. Through the pages of this book you can get ideas to star in this process of overcoming from the perspective of change, hope, optimism and overcoming.
  • Wonderfully imperfect, scandalously happy. Every human being has strengths, and also, improvement points. However, happiness is not in the line of constant perfectionism but in the acceptance of the unique essence that defines each human being. This Walter Riso book can help you reflect on how Unconditional acceptance It is the first step to advance in the line of personal fulfillment.
  • Think well, feel good. There is a fundamental step to increase the quality of life and minimize avoidable suffering: to nourish thought with ideas that do not reinforce the effect of mental rumination or negativity. To change your life, you can start with change the tone of your thoughts in order to strengthen the seed of optimism maintained in time. In this way, you can experience a cause and effect relationship through the association of ideas expressed in the title itself: "Think well, feel good".
  • The art of being flexible. This Walter Riso book helps to reflect on flexibility. Beyond the tendency towards planning, the reality is that it is impossible to predict tomorrow. And on the path of existence, unexpected events arise that sometimes break with the planned plan. Given that circumstance, Flexibility is a resilience symptom that allows those who are in that situation to raise creativity to reinvent himself.

Walter Riso's best phrases

When reading Walter Riso's books, you have the opportunity to underline those ideas that have caught your attention, those words you want to deepen and reflect. Next in this article we show a selection of inspiration phrases within the best phrases of Walter Riso:

  • "It doesn't matter how much they love you, but how they do it". A reflection that in his words expresses a very important nuance in the demonstration of feeling. One of Walter Riso's most true phrases.
  • "The key to emotional freedom is to decide for oneself". This phrase from Walter Riso consitates a very important message of personal empowerment, since the true potential of freedom is to make good use of it.
  • "Good love is realistic". Faced with the idealized vision of love seen through the stereotypes of a romantic tape, Walter Riso postulates that realism is the basis of shared happiness in a relationship relationship.
  • "Fall in love with you I know brave, the romance with you begins with youeither". Take care of the relationship you have with you and enjoy the time you spend in your company.
  • "Incomplete love hurts and sick". Therefore, continuous suffering and insecurity describes the lack of a relationship based on this scheme. One of Walter Riso's best phrases.

¿What other phrases of Walter Riso would you like to share in this Psychology-online article through a comment? You can follow the author through his social networks.

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