Vortioxetine, latest generation antidepressant

Vortioxetine, latest generation antidepressant

Scientific research advances without hurry but without pause. If we talk about PROZAC, Many people will know what we mean, however, if we mention Vortioxetine, His name is already less familiar to us. One of the great challenges of pharmacological research is to create an antidepressant medication that covers the shortcomings of the current ones and mitigates some of the most prominent side effects. It is sought that the mechanism of action on the nervous system be as efficient as possible, With the lowest number of side effects and that, once the treatment is finished, the benefits are extended over time.

One of the most outstanding problems of this type of antidepressants is the obvious Lack of response to this type of medicines by patients, since some improve, but others do not. Even those who can express notable improvements, over time you can see residual cognitive symptoms. This type of problem is the one that drives without rest the finding of more effective medicines.


  • Current panorama
  • How Vortioxetine acts and what benefits it has
  • Vortioxetine and therapy
    • Bibliography

Current panorama

Until now, the most popular medications are those whose action falls on serotonin (fluoxetine) or on serotonin and nodrenalizes (duloxetine). They are medications that affect the monoaminergic system and this system includes serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, glutamate or GABA (acid-gamma-aminobutyric acid). All this pharmacology has demonstrated relative results, that is, they help at certain times, but in the vast majority of occasions they are not enough for themselves. It is because of that Vortioxetine is focused on a multimodal action.

How Vortioxetine acts and what benefits it has

As the Estela Salagre team (2018), Vortioxetina affirms "Act as a serotonin (SERT) transporters inhibitor and regulate multiple subtypes of serotonin receptors (5ht)". 5ht receptors are very numerous in the brain, especially in areas related to affective and cognitive symptoms of depressive disorders: hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. These receptors interact with an elevated number of gabaergic and glumatergic neurons. The main neurotransmitter inhibitor of the organism is GABA, so Vortioxetine would inhibit GABA's release and secondaryly, Dopamine, norepinephrine, histamine and acetylcholine liberation in the prefral cortex would occur.

Vortioxetine is slowly absorbed and its effect begins around two weeks of treatment. The Estela Salagre team has proven that Vortioxetine produces anxiolytic and antidepressant effects, even greater than with the famous fluoxetine. On the other hand also It perishes being a good option for the treatment of neurocognitive deficits in major depression disorder (TDM).

His performance seems to focus on cognitive symptoms of depression, Some symptoms that affect both productivity and patient functionality. These are symptoms such as frequent forgetfulness, the difficulty of concentration, indecision and slow mental processing. However, it still requires enough research to know with certainty the scope of its benefits.

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Vortioxetine and therapy

It is important to remember that for a much more effective depression recovery, the best way is through the combination of medication and psychological therapy. Antidepressants by themselves do not have the necessary potential to solve any problem. Its role is reduced only to a physical plane, such as the levels of certain neurotransmitters. Thanks to this, our mood can benefit, however, It is important to note that the causes of depression or depressed mood states is usually an ineffective coping of our day to day.

On the other hand, it should be remembered that Not in all circumstances it is necessary to go to pharmacology. Therefore, go first to a psychologist, can save us months or years of medical treatment. On the other hand, many psychiatrist doctors only establish a treatment if they see it necessary, but if not, they first recommend the patient psychotherapy sessions. That it has been normalized in our society to take medications for depression, it is not synonymous with having to take in any circumstance. Professionals will establish their need and treatment duration.


  • Salagre, e., Great, i., Solé, b., Sánchez-Moreno, J. And Vieta. AND. (2018). Vortioxetine: a new alternative in major depressive disorder. Magazine of Psychiatry and Mental Health, 11 (1), 48-59.