Victimism signs that someone is making the victim

Victimism signs that someone is making the victim

You have surely heard the phrase: "The victim is being done". We bring it this time since in this kind of situations it is when we talk about victimism. A victimist is a person who normally assumes the position of the affected or harmed in any situation that gives you the opportunity to do so (when in many cases it is not so) with the purpose of obtain an advantage from your victim position.

The victim's position is taken voluntarily. And with it you seek to get something in return, which can go from playing with the fault of another person to manipulate it, until trying to get out of some situation.

You have surely met someone like that, or you have lived a situation in this style. The point is that, victimism can become extremely dangerous. Who does the victim play with the empathy of another person, waiting to move it to achieve something in return or achieve some purpose.

It is extremely difficult to get into reason a victimist since, in general, they end up believing the role of the victim that they themselves have created. Therefore, and instead of trying to change them, you can do something about it to avoid being harmed, in this article we will review the implications of victimism and how to recognize who the victim is made to obtain a benefit in return.


  • Identify when someone is becoming the victim, useful signs
    • 1. Exaggerate what they do
    • 2. They constantly issue complaints
    • 3. They love attention
    • 4. Kag is never yours
    • 5. They will try to do things for them
    • 6. Handling is your ally
    • 7. They save grudges
  • The victimism trap
    • Bibliographic references

Identify when someone is becoming the victim, useful signs

When someone frequently takes the role of a victim, he ends up awakening the curiosity of the people around his surroundings, who begin to perceive a recurrent behavioral pattern in him or her. Of course, on many occasions, victimists use similar strategies to assume their role. We will now review some of the most common so that you can be alert and identify who practices unscrupulous victimism.

1. Exaggerate what they do

Who takes the role of victim always It will highlight your efforts. They will show others, through actions and with their speech, who have worked hard, or have put a lot of themselves for something or someone. Its objective is to show others as people who do not hesitate to offer their will and, usually, they end up receiving anything in return for it (and, if they receive it, they will not tell you either).

2. They constantly issue complaints

From the hand with the exaggeration of their efforts, the victimists complain about what they must do. It is common to hear them say that no one values ​​their actions, that others do not return what they give, which leave their priorities aside to help others, among other complaints more.

3. They love attention

The victimists, although they describe themselves as humble and low profile, actually They love to be at the center of attention and be flattered. They like others to be interested in them, and much more so if they validate their victim position, which is their goal.

4. Kag is never yours

A victimist will never assume the blame for something that goes wrong, or in a way that is not expected. Such a person will always be positioned as the injured party, whom nothing goes well. Their discursive pattern will be to explain that other people take advantage of their good will and they end up harming themselves.

5. They will try to do things for them

Such a person, usually, He will seek to separate things he does not want to do through his victim speech. They will explain how tired they are, how sharp they feel, how difficult life is for them, among many other excuses as long as someone offers to do what they do not want to do for them. Always, of course, showing themselves as unable.

6. Handling is your ally

You may have evidenced it in the previous section: false victims use other people to achieve their objectives through deception. That, in other words, is manipulation. This people They do not handle ethical limits, and in order to get what they want will play with the empathy of many people.

7. They save grudges

Victimists, above all, are resentful. Be careful to anger such a person, because he will use everything at his disposal to make you see how "the bad" in the situation. He will speak badly with you with others, trying to put them against him and showing himself as the one you have done a lot.

The victimism trap

As you may have evidenced, who apply victimism can become really dangerous. They are people who apply deception without limits, and fall into their trap, believing their version of history, it can be quite easy.

In general, to this kind of people, which ends them in the long run is that people discover their strategies, and they notice that their frequent victimization behaviors are nothing more than to benefit from them. However, the ideal would not be to fall into its trap or be manipulated. Therefore, we have given you these frequent signs among the victimists so that, before repeated behaviors of this style in a person, you can awaken your alert and notice that something else can be happening there.

Who assumes the role of victim cheats very well. Use the signs that we gave you to be able to identify them and ask you if you can be suffering like a hoax.

What is the victim's law?, Are we acting with victimism?

Bibliographic references

  • Benitez Garcia, A. (2022). Self-Verification Theory: VICTIMISM.
  • Castells Arteche, L., & Rivera Blanco, to. (2015). The victims: of the victimism built to the real victims. The victims: of the victimism built to the real victims, 265-305.
  • Marcos, m. H. (2018). Victimism, a new lifestyle. Characterization attempt. EIKASIA: Philosophy Magazine, 82, 237-266.