Travel without the couple, increasingly fashionable

Travel without the couple, increasingly fashionable

Apparently, traveling without the couple has become increasingly fashionable. Couple trips are still standing, but it is true that more and more one of the two (or both) makes a solo journey or with friends. It is a somewhat strange issue, right? Traveling without the couple should not be news, but lately it is. Why are this type of travel? Why does it surprise us that you travel without the couple? What role does our beliefs play in this type of affairs? Welcome to a simple but complex topic that requires special attention for all its background. Let us begin!


  • Travel without the couple
  • Lack of freedom
  • Introspection
  • Avoid repeating bad experiences
  • Routine
    • Final reflection

Travel without the couple

You can miss many readers to be "news" or article reason for traveling without a partner. At this point I propose to the reader who has a partner to propose to travel without her or without him. In many cases, the couple accepts, understands and shares the fact of maintaining a part of the independent relationship, however, Many others will not accept this decision. "Are you going to travel without me?"," You almost don't travel and if you do you want to do it without me?"," Why do you want to travel alone, you get bored with me?"," Well, if you want to go with your friends, go ... do what you want "..

Receiving a hostile response to traveling without the couple is more common than it seems, so it is important to analyze what hides behind this type of events. Many times, The background that our partner travels without us can hide, dependence, jealousy and possession. The causes of traveling without the couple can be many and none of them should scare us. Let's investigate a little more.

Lack of freedom

When we decided to share life with another person, on many occasions, we forget ourselves. It is beautiful to share experiences, however, It is important to remember that each of us has our own development. Giving ourselves to others helps us grow, but we should not forget our well -being. It is common that in relationships, some of the couple or both. And at this point it is key to reach balance. Sometimes, one of the two insists on doing so many things together that the other ends up overwhelming.

A couple relationship must be established from free choice and not from imposition. Therefore, if we feel without the freedom to move alone, we can end up rejecting our partner to see it as the cause of our lack of freedom. In this point, It is important to know that if we are too absorbent with our partners, more will they have to be alone. But it is not always so, since although there is independence in the couple, it can also want to travel alone, without it signal that there is no longer love between them.

The concept of couple bubble


Traveling without the couple can also be motivated by an introspection process. As read above, as a couple it is shared and grows together, but also separately. It is good, even necessary, spend time with us. It helps us evaluate our life until the present moment. Do we lead the life we ​​want? Are we taking the steps we had proposed? Is any readjustment necessary? Endless issues that help us deepen more in our own and to enrich us.

In many meditation retreats we can find both single and married, as matches, but all of them without their partners. These are moments for oneself, to develop. Although it is not necessary to perform a spiritual retreat, it can be a trip, a getaway, etc. A relationship is - or should suppose - want happiness for our partner, so preventing making a solo trip could indicate a degree of jealousy, possession and important dependence. "If he leaves alone he does not love me", "What if he is unfaithful to me?"," What if changes and leaves me?"... so, in the back what exists is fear.

Avoid repeating bad experiences

Many couples trust trips to live good times. However, when the time comes they discover that they discuss more than ever. In their day to day, due to work, many couples are only seen in the morning, at night and on weekends. For this reason they act almost automatically. But When the holiday period arrives and they spend twenty -four hours together, they end up discovering that the relationship was not as good as they thought.

Thus, and with the intention of avoiding repeating bad experiences, traveling without the couple has also become fashionable. In a period of disconnection and relaxation such as vacations, The last thing we want is to be math for spending the day of discussion in discussion. So it is not surprising that our partner Especta us: "To be wrong I prefer to go alone or with friends". What happen? That reason is not lacking, so instead of getting angry when listening to such a statement, it will be convenient to stop talking about the situation.

On the other hand, to avoid repeating bad experiences, it will be necessary to speak before the next trip. We think they do not have to get bad times again, and with it, we deposit great hopes on our trip as a formula of couple success. Crassus error. It is essential not to deposit all our hopes on a trip. That is to say, If the day to day with the couple does not work well, a trip by itself does not have to fix it. So communication between both people will be key.


Neither forward, nor backwards. Thus their relationship defines many to affirm that they are stagnant. The relationship does not advance, it is monotony and automatism. Both know that they are for comfort and little more. The relationship has reached a dead point where neither know how to get out of that frustrating area. Hence One of the ways of fleeing routine is traveling without the couple. Many and many like to feel that they are single (obviously without the need to be unfaithful), others like to spend times with their friends since they know they will not judge them and they will have a good time.

Final reflection

Traveling without the couple can be a beneficial exercise. As mentioned before, having a partner can be enriching. It is a person with whom many experiences are shared, but We must remember that we continue to have a part of ourselves and it is healthy and necessary. Over the years, many relationships have ended because one of the two states that "you are no longer the person I fell in love". Without a doubt, it is an affirmation of the most common but the most crystallizing. Because? Because we all change.

Change is something present in everything that surrounds us. Pretending that our partner continues to be the one we met years ago is almost an illusion. Some, unfortunately change to worse; others change to better, but even so, the change is often not welcome. While one of the two lives in the superficiality of day to day, the other becomes more introspective. At this point both realize the difference in thought. If our partner has evolved towards a deeper direction, we may feel misplaced.

Therefore, it is important to know if we really want our partner to be happy with us, or that our partner is the cause of our happiness. In short, and as Buddhist nun Tenzin Palmo says, If we want our partner to make us happy, it is attachment; But if we want to make her happy, it's love. There the difference. If we seek to make us happy, it is then that the insane relationships full of jealousy and possessions arise. However, if we want the happiness of our partner, what is wrong with the trip without us at some point?