Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Friendship

Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Friendship

Who has not had a fantastic Internet interaction with someone unknown? Conversation that begins a friendship that you did not think to have virtually after paying personal encounters.

This does not always happen. Sometimes maintaining virtually contact through messages on Instagram, Facebook or another social network can mean the encounter with someone totally unknown with the conversation, or simply pretends to be another person to like others.

There are even people who trust and dare to leave their telephone number in strange groups to create a space where they can talk about any subject in common. Things that many generates fear, and it is normal because we are not all equal or perhaps that person has had bad experiences, and that is why he does not dare.

If you identify with this issue, in this post we will talk about the Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Friendship, which is nothing more than that which relates between friends who are linked through the Internet.


  • What is virtual friendship?
  • Advantages of virtual friendship
    • 1. Reduce distance
    • 2. Good option to express yourself without penalty
    • 3. Transcends cultural barriers
    • 4. Increases the feeling of equality
    • 5. The empathic bond is ensured
    • 6. You could find the love of your life
  • Disadvantages of virtual friendship
    • 1. It can generate isolation
    • 2. The absence of physical contact
    • 3. It can generate addiction
    • 4. Lends itself to scams
      • Bibliographic references

What is virtual friendship?

Virtual friendship is characterized by the link that two or more people begin through a web medium, be it a computer or any other devices that allow them to perform this type of distance interaction.

This virtual friendship is possible today thanks to the technological advances that are responsible for connecting people. Social networks increasingly implement new resources so that its users can communicate with each other from anywhere they are.

Advantages of virtual friendship

Like all things, friendship through any digital medium has its positive and negative things. Next we will see a list with the advantages and disadvantages that offer a virtual friendship.

1. Reduce distance

With the high use of social networks, it is easier to make virtual friends no matter what place in the world they are.

2. Good option to express yourself without penalty

There are people who have problems to start a conversation personally, and that is due to shyness and other personality elements. So the search for friends virtually is the best alternative.

3. Transcends cultural barriers

Conversing with a person residing in another country allows you to know their culture. What they eat, how they dress, what are the extracurricular activities among others. Of course, the key is Always respect the cultures and beliefs of other people, since in doing so you can travel the world through what your virtual friends tell you.

4. Increases the feeling of equality

Meet people through social networks increases the feeling that you fit in a place. Talk about what you like and what you don't, will let you know that there are beings that can connect with that.

It doesn't matter if you like the parties, or if you prefer to spend the weekend reading a book; To have a virtual friend you only need time to talk through a computer or any device.

5. The empathic bond is ensured

If you like someone who saw in the park or in a special event, the problem would be that your personality is not what you expected. But, if when you talk to someone online, you can know how you think, what you like or not, and thus determine whether or not you like it.

6. You could find the love of your life

If the Internet in addition to allowing you to have virtual friendship, it can also help you meet that person who will accompany you for a long time as a couple. Most likely, your orange is on the other side of the world, and that is why you had not known.

There are cases in which a Virtual interaction It can cause two people to be personally, they can even get married.

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Psycholinguistics, the study of human language

Disadvantages of virtual friendship

After having analyzed what are the advantages of virtual friendship, the time has come to know the main disadvantages that this type of relationship presents.

1. It can generate isolation

Virtual friendship can facilitate that people prefer to stay locked in front of their computers, how the unique form of social communication, or spend most of the time using their mobile phones.

2. The absence of physical contact

In the related friendship relations physical approach is necessary, Greetings from hands, a hug, farewells with kiss on the cheek, are things that are part of a friendship and make it strengthen. But when it comes to a virtual friendship, these factors are not fulfilled.

3. It can generate addiction

When people spend too much time knowing virtually they could generate a behavioral addiction. This type of custom can affect several aspects of the lives of those who present it; The workplace, personal, family, factors that are the most common in being affected.

4. Lends itself to scams

Virtual contact with other people sometimes use many ESPEASTORS to locate your victims; Reason why you should be very cautious at the beginning of a friendship with an unknown person through networks.

Now that you know the advantages and disadvantages generated by virtual friendship with a totally unknown person, it is important that you take the precautions necessary to avoid any fraud or disappointment and that can hurt you.

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Bibliographic references

  • Blieszner, r.; Adams, r. G. (1992). Adult Friendship. Sage. ISBN 978-0-8039-3673-7.
  • Crosnoe, r., & Needham, B. (2004) Holism, contextual variation, and The Study of Friendships in Adolescent Development. University of Texas At Austin.