Vamping, technological insomnia

Vamping, technological insomnia

They are twelve o'clock at night and Juan and Silvia get into bed to do Vamping, Although they don't know. They turn off the light of the night tables and Each of them consults their mobile phone before bed. Juan reviews email, the latest news and speaks for a while through his social networks. Silvia looks at some videos, also consults the mail and gives good night to her friends and family. After forty minutes using his mobile in the dark before he sleeps, they give the good night and close their eyes ... Welcome to the Vamping!


  • Vamping, what is it?
  • Health effects
  • Technological insomnia
  • Appetite
  • Tips to avoid vamping
    • Final comment

Vamping, what is it?

With the introduction of this article the vast majority already know what the Vamping. It is a phenomenon that has emerged since mobile phones are mini -provenors. The essence of Vamping It consists of consulting our mobile phone before sleeping. It is a phenomenon that was established a few years ago and does nothing but grow. The population that makes this practice the most are teenagers, but children and adults are also included. The mobile dependence makes more and more those who before sleeping give a review of their social networks or consultations the news or perform any other activity.

Health effects

Dr. Ángela Milan, a neurologist at the Dream Unit of the University of Navarra, assures that the Vamping It has negative health effects affecting sleep quality and our performance. But where does the problem arise? The screens of our mobiles emit a blue wave blue light and this makes our brain understand that it is still day. Therefore, it is important to note that about two hours before sleep, the brain begins to segregate melatonin, which is the hormone that regulates our sleep cycle. However, By exposing us to this light, the brain, understanding that it is still daytime, alters melatonin production And, in this way, sleep problems begin.

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Technological insomnia

To the effect of Vamping On health they have baptized him as technological insomnia. The brain, understanding that it is still not secreting melatonin and delays the beginning of the dream, so we sleep less hours. Therefore, it is not surprising that the days we do not use the mobile in bed we have problems reconciling the dream, since our sleep rhythm will be altered due to the use of new technology. From the Dream Unit of the University of Navarra clinic they say that this practice can reduce the amount of melatonin to adolescents.


An effect that perhaps we did not expect from Vamping It is its affectation on appetite. Dr. María Alija, pediatric endocrinologist, explains that By inhibiting melatonin production, neuropeptide production increases, which increase appetite and preference for sweeter and fatty foods. In this way, if we continue altering our natural sleep rhythm, we will not only have insomnia problems, but we can also be more hungry for sweet foods and we will increase weight.

Dr. Alija states that we usually sleep seven hours, but with these sleep alterations we slept between three and five hours less, with what We can consume up to 385 calories more a day. On the other hand, he points out that by reducing our sleep hours also increases our fatigue, which makes us not as active and not burn as many calories as we would do in normal conditions.

Tips to avoid vamping

Next, a series of tips are offered to avoid falling into this practice that can be so negative about our health.

  • The mobile phone must stay out of the room when we go to sleep. It is true that today we use it as alarm or radio, however, this practice leads to the temptation to consult it until the early hours of the morning, so it will be a good idea to return to the usual alarm.
  • To prevent the screen light from cheating the brain, we will stop using the mobile two hours before going to sleep, it seems impossible, right? The mobile has become an extension of our hand, but if we are immersed in sleep problems and vamping is our usual practice, then we must put our part to regulate our dream. So that, Two hours before going to sleep, we will leave the mobile side to prevent light from altering melatonin segregation.
  • Establishing good sleep hygiene will be very positive. Therefore, we will establish good habits before we go to bed.
  • Today it seems that if we do not consult the mobile or we see TV before going to sleep we cannot do anything, however, watching television can also be considered to do vamping. Thus, We invite you to read or chat with the family before going to bed.
  • If we have children it is very important to control their use. First of all, Parents must set an example and not use the mobile in bed so that your child does not see it as normal behavior. On the other hand, Nor should our son be given the mobile if he has woken up With the aim of calming and goes back to sleep, since the light will alter its sleep cycle.

Final comment

Many parents say they can do what they want because they are older, however, A lot of care must be taken with the messages that are transmitted to the children through behavior. He Vamping It is practiced by a large amount of population, but as mentioned above, adolescents are the ones who carry it most. Therefore, although parents have the habit of performing this practice, it will be advisable to stop doing so and give an example to their children if they want them to also leave the mobile at night at night.

Test to know your vamping level