Emotional emptiness. What is it and what causes it

Emotional emptiness. What is it and what causes it

After a family loss, a separation or a loving disappointment, it is normal to feel a sense of inner vacuum. If it is not handled well, this hole can become a depressive disorder. He emotional vacuum is not the absence of emotions or feelings but the lack of positive energy.

Actually, it is a hole full of anxiety, hopelessness, feelings of disconnection and confusion. If you feel identified with this issue and you feel with apathy, boredom and without motivation, this post could help you fill the Emotional emptiness.


  • What is emotional emptiness?
  • Why this type of emotional vacuum?
  • How to combat emotional vacuum
  • Causes
  • How to fill my emotional emptiness
    • 1. Learn to face it
    • 2. Self -esteem works
    • 3. Face the fears
    • 4. Explore
    • 5. Go to a specialist
      • Bibliography

What is emotional emptiness?

Emotional emptiness is understood that feeling of psychological discomfort with the same, The self -perception of being separated, disconnected from others and the universe, the feeling of loneliness, dissatisfaction, unhappiness, the thoughts that everything is meaningless, the lack of identity, a hole in the chest or in the mouth of the stomach that absorbs All your energy, the perception that you lack something.

For the psychologist Benjamín Wolman, this state was called existential neurosis and defined it as “The failure to find meaning in life, the feeling that one has no reason to live, to fight, to wait for one to be unable to find a goal or a guideline in life, the feeling that, although, although, although, although Individuals strive a lot in their work, they don't really have any aspiration ”

The emotional vacuum It is a difficult experience to explain but that many people have ever experienced in life. Sometimes we feel empty in a timely manner: in the face of a difficult moment, an unpleasant event, a duel, a betrayal.

Why this type of emotional vacuum?

Beyond the most basic material needs there are many that, when a point can cause discomfort if they are not satisfied. This void could compare it with the shape of a black and deep hole located in our stomach or chest.

We could feel it the same as when we look out to a well and we only see darkness and we are not able to see the background. It is a vacuum that becomes a very painful feeling and a great feeling of loneliness, And you feel that there is something you need to feel complete, but you may not know what it is, and that something is a need for love and approval.

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How to combat emotional vacuum

Many people battle with this void in different ways thinking that they can be completed. Some begin to perform excess exercises, others increase their alcohol consumption, while some people find more hours than normal at work; All this, in search of finding that person who can fill out that emotional emptiness he feels and that another person has left.

Fear of loneliness, reconciling with ourselves


The causes of emotional vacuums are usually different, affecting all at once to our expectations and beliefs. Maybe when you were little you did not receive the affection you needed, or maybe you lived many conflicts at home or did not feel that your efforts and results were validated. Or you probably lived an emotional loss or relationship that was important for you.

This can take, now in adulthood, to have a negative self -concept of yourself and a need and Excessive attention and approval dependence by others. They can be predisposing factors for me to feel incomplete, empty and only.

How to fill my emotional emptiness

Knowing how to get out of emotional vacuum is never easy, however, here we leave some steps that can help when wanting to cure that void.

1. Learn to face it

To overcome the emotional emptiness, it is necessary to feel it, embrace it in all its intensity to fill it with self -acceptance. We must start with this first step, a step that many people are afraid to deal with the void looking inside, seeking to fill it with external things.

There is the danger of falling into a possible addiction, since most go to alcohol, the abuse of meals, excessive purchases, drugs, sex, etc. Filling this empty is a slow process, full of successes and failures, despair and hope. Without a doubt, it is a path with stops, falls and new beginnings where there are no shortcuts.

2. Self -esteem works

Working self -esteem is another important aspect that is needed to overcome emotional vacuum, so you must learn to forgive you. Listen carefully to your needs, desires, concerns, and ceases to be a caregiver of others to learn to Take care of yourself, without trying to please everyone to gain the approval and love of others.

3. Face the fears

Do not allow you to immerse yourself in the loop to be distressed for doing nothing or do anything for being distressed. Once You learn to confront your fears And you start living, fears will lose their reason for being.

4. Explore

Indag. Salt and Know new people and learn to appreciate those you already have. Establishes relationships that are significant for you, but yes, without falling into the dependency.

5. Go to a specialist

If after having tried to want to fill that hole, you have not achieved it, then it is best to seek the experts, since they will be the best alternative to accompany you on this dark path that you are looking to go out.


  • Bolmsjö, i., Tengland, p., & Rämgård, M. (2018). Existence loneliness: an attempt at an analysis of the concept and the phenomenon. Nursing Ethics, 26(5), 1310-1325.
  • Norwood, r. (2000). Women who love too much. Madrid: Reading Point Editions
  • Plou, p. M. (2006). Dependency relationships How to fill an existential vacuum? Psychotherapy Magazine, 17 (68), 66.
  • Ranasinghe, p. (2019). Theorizing Nothingness: Malaise and the Indeterminacies of Being. Dististion-Journal of Social Theory.