Can a person with depression have sex?

Can a person with depression have sex?

One of the symptoms of depression is the decrease in interest in sexual relations and libido in general. Lacking interest in having them is as common as feeling bad talking about the subject or feeling guilt after having had them. But ¿It has some solution?

In this Psychology-online article, we want to help you face changes in sexual life when your partner has depression. To do this, we will explain how depression affects sexual relations, if A person with depression can have sex, What can you do about it and we will give you some tips to foster your, now scarce, sex life.

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  1. Why my partner with depression rejects me
  2. How Depression affects sexual relations
  3. How to improve sexual life how much your partner has depression

Why my partner with depression rejects me

Depression is a very delicate disorder. And, although the most affected person is the one who suffers from it, the environment is also altered. The closest your relationship with the depressed person, the more it will affect you. Therefore, if it is your partner, it will be necessary that you report well about the associated symptoms, both to support him in the hard moments that he is happening, so that you himself have the best possible.

When we see the person who matters sad, without wanting anything and without motivation to improve; We feel guilty. And if depression lengthens, we may begin to notice anger and outrage at what we think is lack of will on the other hand. But precisely what does not have someone with depression is will, because He really doesn't feel about anything and in those moments he is unable to feel pleasure. And that's where you have to intervene. It is necessary that you begin to do some things without desire, because the desire will come later. And you as a couple can be a key piece in this intervention. A walk, a little reading, eat something I liked before ... so Shake of patience and understanding And help your partner to begin to do little things that he liked before, so he can begin to feel pleasure in small doses.

How Depression affects sexual relations

As we have already seen, when someone goes through a depression, he doesn't feel like anything in general, and that includes sexual relations. It does not happen to all depressed people, but it is usual. Therefore, it is normal that there are sexual problems with a person with depression.

We must bear in mind that in addition to deep sadness and grief, that person may be going through physical changes that reinforce their insecurity. You may have lost a lot.

Sexual life is altered or even becomes non -existent. And let's not forget that sex is a source of pleasure, but also of union in the couple. Therefore, we must give you the importance you deserve and take care of what is in our hand.

You should keep in mind that severe depressions usually need psychopharmacological treatment, and this can affect sexual intercourse. There are some antidepressant drugs that can decrease libido. In the following article, we talk about the relationship between antidepressants and sexuality. It is not convenient to leave it until the professional sees it convenient. If this is your case, have patience and little by little the situation will improve.

How to improve sexual life how much your partner has depression

The first and most important thing to improve sexual life when your partner has depression is to attack the main problem, that is, Treat depression. For this, the therapy that obtains better results is cognitive-behavioral.

Finding a psychologist or psychologist with whom your partner feels comfortable and starting a therapy is fundamental. However, your support will be crucial, so it is recommended that you go with your partner to consultations and follow the guidelines marked by the therapist. Let's see some things you can do to improve your sex life:

  • NO PRESSURE TO YOUR PARTNER. Few people respond well if they feel pressured to do something. What you probably get is that the desire for sex decreases.
  • Prepare the environment. Avoid going to the point because it will not work. You can do many things to make some spark arise: caresses, a movie with erotic content, a quiet and romantic dinner only for you, a relaxing bath, candles and soft music, a massage ..
  • Use lubricants. Sometimes, the problem is the lack of lubrication as a consequence of medication. To solve it there are lubricating gels that can help you start.
  • Try other practices and alternatives. If the problem is erectile dysfunction, you can try other modalities that do not include penetration. There are many things you can do to enjoy.
  • Avoid going with expectations. If you do and things do not happen as you had planned, you will frustrate yourself. Let things arise (putting from your part) and get to where they have to arrive. It's about doing without haste so that little by little things return to their place.
  • Ask the professional. Remember that any sexual dysfunction associated with depression or medication can be treated with the therapist. He or she will give you indications on how to act as case.

In these articles you will find more information about sexual problems in the couple and advice on how to help a person with depression.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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