A new transpecie the cyborgs, are they real?

A new transpecie the cyborgs, are they real?

Neil Harbisson is the first legally recognized cyborg in the world, Because it is said that there are many in the "closet" still. He has An antenna implanted in its skull (Eyeborg) that gives access to something that was born without him: the ability to perceive the color. (acromatopsy)

The device is an antenna connected to a C5 kg computer. And it contains a couple of headphones. The camera at the end of the antenna translates each color in 360 different sound waves that Harbisson can listen through headphones.

Harbisson's new condition is different and requires a completely new name: they areocromatopsy, an additional sense that connects colors with sound. Unlike synesthesia, which can vary greatly from person to person, Ecocromatopsy makes each color correspond to a specific sound.

"Listening through bone driving is something that dolphins do, an antenna is something that have many insects, and knowing where the north is is something that sharks can also detect. These senses are very natural, they already exist, but now we can apply them to humans."Moon Ribas, founder of Cyborg Foundation

Neil is also considered as transpecie, Thus, he defines acromatopsy from "his point of view":

“Total disability to see the colors, I have never seen the colors, and I do not know how they are, because I come from a world of gray scale. For me the sky is always gray, the flowers are always gray, and the TV is still in black and white ”.

In 2003, at 21 years of age, an interesting project began with the and computer engineer Adam Montandon, as well as with Peter Kase and Matías Lizana; They designed an electronic eye, which detects the color frequency that is presented to him and sends it to a chip that they installed on the back of his head, so now he can: Hear the color through bone driving!

In the beginning he had to memorize the notes, the names of the colors and their correspondence, after assimilating this, it became a perception, and with that it could be able to experience new sensations that come with the colors, without having to think In the notes, thanks to the software that they ingeniously created.

Harbisson could start dreaming of colors, and being able to identify the difference, as his brain began to create different sounds for the different colors, Not the device implanted in itself. Neil comments that he feels like a cyborg, being a functional part of his body and by giving him this wonderful capacity for perception of color at this level, Like a beautiful extension of their senses.

Now it can receive more than 360 colors, it is able to discern the degrees and nuances of a chromatic circle. By continuing to expand its perception of color, he realized that His new vision went beyond normal human vision, Harbisson states that there are many colors around the bodies that others cannot perceive, such as the scales of the ultraviolet and infrared, With what can now hear colors that even the human eye is not able to perceive.

Many of the emotions and senses are exalted through color, Neil describes his experience as follows:

“The greatest change is to go to an art gallery to listen to a Picasso. It's like going to a concert hall, because I can listen to the paintings. For me, supermarkets are shocking, it is very fascinating to travel them. It's like going to a nightclub. They are full of different melodies. Especially the cleaning articles section is simply fabulous ”.

It is there when The everyday becomes magical, For a person who previously saw the world in black and white with his corresponding gray shadows and scales, with all the emotion and physiological reactions that this implies, he continues to describe what happens to him:

"My way of dressing has changed, before I dressed to feel good, now I dress to sound good ... it has also changed the way I see the food, now I can see what the dish has, and I can" eat my favorite song "... A Rachmaninov piano concert as the main dish, and some Bjork or Madonna as dessert, would be a fantastic restaurant, where songs could be eaten ”.

People's faces now have a sound, thanks to their electronic eye (Eyeborg), Some that seem to be beautiful can have a terrible sound and vice versa.

"Another thing that happens is that I start having this side effect that colors begin to become sound ... Listening to Mozart became a yellow experience, for example".

Neil Harbisson helped create the Foundation Cyborg, The one that tries to support people to become a cyborg and encourage them to expand their senses, using technology and its benefits as a functional part of the body.

Much of knowledge comes through the senses, then if we expand them, therefore, our knowledge will be expanded. He says that A radical change in this century will be the creation of apps to make our body more functional, Just as now applications on mobile devices have facilitated life, representing a great opportunity for people who have some physical limitation, especially for those who can become disabling in many ways.

In the foundation, they have the belief that everyone should perceive the world as they wish. They have platforms to provide the right tools to turn the person into it, through the expansion of their senses and/or pleasure skills.

Did the time-spells come to "get out of the closet"?

Most of us, we have a relationship with technology. In the Cyborg Foundation They help people in their understanding process with the type of advantage they want to have. There are many people who are in the "Cyborg-Claóset". They feel like technology, but their body is not yet. Some people have a psychological relationship and do not feel the need to perform an additional transformation.

Would you like to develop some kind of ability or improve it? Is there any sense to develop more? To do so there are some concepts and aspects that you must know and take into account before embarking on your cyborg transformation, for example, the difference between the senses and the skills.

Another important concept is the difference between artificial intelligence (AI) and artificial sense (as). In AI, intelligence is created by the machine itself, while in the stimulus it is collected by technology, but intelligence is created by the human. Knowing if you want to have you will help you find the most appropriate technology to meet your goal, and in doing so you will also become a humanized technology transpecie.

How can we think of a new feeling that we cannot yet feel? In the database of the foundation you can find several examples of animal senses and skills that humans do not have, and that can be a good reference point from which to start investigating more.

You can also think about things and people in the world with whom we would like to have a closer relationship, For example, the wind or the tides or a loved being that is crossing the vast seas and which we do not physically know, only virtually, relationships that are developing every day more, thanks to technology.

In it neurological appearance, By potentiating or extending the senses and skills, other neural networks are activated, when the mind accepts a new entry as part of its natural or usual perception. One also occurs biological relationship with technology when it is merged In this way, since implementing technology in an organism, your biological body is modified by using technology as an extension of your body or your mind. When a person, like Neil, arrives at andNmentary the technology implemented as part of themselves, it means that they also have a psychological relationship with the same.

Skills can be potentiated, extending your body's capabilities to express and interact with the environment. For example: an exoskeleton and a bionic arm or leg. Cognitively, the way in which you absorb and process the information that surrounds you, such as the senses, which can spread the way you perceive your environment and the behavior of your brain is expanded. For example, to see at night, feel the magnetic pole of the earth and improve your sense of guidance, good option for those who do not have so developed spatial intelligence and that can represent a problem.

They recommend having the opinion of a multidisciplinary team to help them and advise them during their transition. Part of this team include doctors and psychologists focused on neurosciences and their advances.

To know more

http: // www.Cyborgfoundation.com/