A positive attitude towards mathematics supports academic success

A positive attitude towards mathematics supports academic success

The positive attitude towards mathematics supports academic success, although many consider the opposite.

Actually, Attitude is a predisposing factor against various tasks And, unfortunately, both young and adults do not have the best attitude towards mathematics.

In fact, mathematics is an area towards which students usually feel rejection and with it greater difficulty when addressing it.

Therefore, there are many investigations that have been done in this regard, since, Mathematics is an essential discipline for life, Who could imagine the universe or reality itself without an order like the one granted by mathematics?

The problem is that many boys consider, in some cases, that mathematics is "something distant", "abstract", or that "has no place in reality", when the truth is that it is not so.

Those who have a positive attitude towards mathematics will not only have a greater possibility of being academic success in this area, but also in others.


  • The positive attitude towards mathematics
  • The positive attitude towards mathematics facilitates learning
  • Attitude towards mathematics and their components
    • Bibliography

The positive attitude towards mathematics

In most cases, The approach to mathematics has been related to very low academic results And this has only made a negative idea for this discipline be formed.

Many could argue that it is the method used by teachers, or that it is a "boring" area, "without practicality", among others. But, these ideas only increase the negative attitude towards the same.

So, the low academic performance, instead of focusing on the method or the teacher -if they are well important in the process -, it could be in the negative attitude of the students and the beliefs they have over this area.

That is, low performance or little academic success would not be in external factors, but in the meaning that students grant to discipline, which affects their emotions, mood and, of course, in behavior.

It is well known that Attitude is the predisposition that is around something, and that this can be favorable or unfavorable; since, the beliefs that students have about mathematics, triggers a series of attitudes that condition the behaviors issued, in this case towards mathematics.

But what would academic performance be like if it were a positive attitude towards mathematics?

The positive attitude towards mathematics facilitates learning

When the attitude towards a certain study area is not favorable, it is known that there is a block or barrier that prevents or hinders learning.

In the case of mathematics, there are many students who demonstrate fear, contempt and anger towards it, then, attitudes involve affectivity with negative or positive feelings, with moderate intensity or not.

So, who does not like mathematics, they will seem boring and will not even concentrate on classes or learn them.

These attitudes can be formed as part of the emotional reactions that occur repeatedly. This is why the positive attitude towards mathematics is essential for their learning, then, attitudes can generate motivation, taste, pleasure and good perception, as the usefulness of their learning is estimated.

A positive attitude towards mathematics will support academic success as long as The student will spend more time and effort of yourself in this subject, which will have an impact on its performance and qualification.

Thus, while a positive attitude towards mathematics facilitates learning, a negative attitude makes it more difficult.

When the attitude towards mathematics is mentioned, in reality Reference is made to the assessment, interest and appreciation of this discipline and their learning, so, the affective components are important, since they manifest in terms of curiosity, satisfaction and assessment of the same

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Attitude towards mathematics and their components

As well as any attitude in general, the positive attitude towards mathematics implies an affective component, or feelings; A cognitive component, related to the beliefs about discipline, and a behavioral component, which motivates the student to move away or approach the area, in this case.

But, it should be noted that The positive attitude towards mathematics is acquired, It is not about something that is born with and this is favorable, since you can work, since attitudes are more acquired than innate.

In reality, attitudes respond on many occasions to the needs to be understood, to shape and establish forecasts on the surrounding environment, so it is that it includes the three components mentioned: affective, cognitive and behavioral.

As Luisa Morales Maure points out, in his study on the attitude towards mathematics, attitudes predispose to the subjects and direct them, guiding their thinking and facilitating their adaptation to the context.

It is for this reason that, at the pedagogical level, it is necessary that the approach to attitudes become an interest for education, since they allow the transformation of people.

Finally, if mathematics is something abstract, why would it matter to relate it to academic performance? Well, the answer establishes that there are emotions involved and the positive attitude towards mathematics is a key point for the construction of new knowledge and academic success.

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  • Gamboa Araya, Ronny, & Moreira Mora, Tania Elena. (2017). Attitudes and beliefs towards mathematics: a comparative study between students and teachers. Research News in Education17(1), 514-559.
  • Mamani Flores, or. (2012). Attitudes towards mathematics and academic performance in students of the 5th grade of secondary school: Red N ° 7 Callao.
  • Maure, Luisa & Marimón, Orlando. (2013). Attitude towards mathematics: a comparative study between Panamanian and Mexican students.
  • Mato, m. D., & de la Torre, and. (2009). Evaluation of attitudes towards mathematics and academic performance.
  • Salaya, a. L. Z. (2006). The attitude towards mathematics and academic performance. Memories magazine7(1), 53-62.