Tucibi or 2cb the new and dangerous drug of the upper class

Tucibi or 2cb the new and dangerous drug of the upper class

Tucibi or 2CB is a phenylethylamine designed from mezcalin and It is a derivative of amphetamines, But it has a more powerful and dangerous effect because it is a relatively recent drug. Therefore, the accuracy of its reach is not accurate.


  • Origin of 2CB
  • Sale and usual consumption places
  • Mechanism of action and forms of employment of tucibi
  • Psychological effects of 2-CB
  • High dose effects
  • Physical effects
  • Side effects
  • The design of an aphrodisiac
    • Conclusions
    • Bibliographic references

Origin of 2CB

The relatively new drug was invented by an American chemist in the 70s, mainly used as a help during psychotherapy.

Some American psychotherapists briefly experienced her (alone and in combination with MDMA or ecstasy), for couple therapy, manifesting diverse results.

Since then it has been classified as a narcotic by the United Nations.

Sale and usual consumption places

In the black market it is marketed in capsules, pills or dust to inhale, which can be any form, size and color. It is usually cut with amphetamine, phenmetrazine, methylphenidate, etc.

They are often sold in discos and bars frequented by people of great purchasing power, which together with the High prices of Tucibi, He has become famous as the medication of the elite; In Colombia it is known as the drug of the "models and queens of beauty", where it is widespread.

The 2-CB (2.5-Dimetoxi-4-Bromo-Feniletilamine) It is one of the Design drugs with greater success today. Its consumption is extending rapidly, it has entered Europe with force, especially in Germany.

Popper, what is this drug acts and how

Mechanism of action and forms of employment of tucibi

This drug It is consumed orally. The effects begin between 15 and 35 minutes after taking it, and extend between 2 and 4 hours. It seems that when it reaches the brain, the 2-CB is fixed to dopamine, adrenaline and norepinenaline receptors. In high doses it is An hallucinatory substance, While in minor doses it is a soft sensory amplifier.

Thus, the 2CB is considered a psychedelic substance With harmful repercussions.

Psychological effects of 2-CB

  • Mainly produces visual hallucinations, both with open and closed eyes. They see "brightness" that are popularly described as "the 70 visual clichés", with the feeling that objects that have "water texture", as with "waves".
  • Some users experience a decrease in visual acuity, although others report a more acute vision.
  • Auditory hallucinations. Some consumers say that the effects are more intense when music is heard and report that they can "see sounds and noise".
  • Feeling of restlessness and anxiety.
  • Increased physical energy sensation.
  • Perceptions of reality other than normal.
  • Although the effects of the drug often make users who cannot concentrate on anything in particular, some may be more absorbed in a specific activity, such as watching a movie or playing a video game.
  • Laugh in excess, with many laughs.
  • Feeling of insight.
  • The increase in consciousness of the body itself; perceive body imperfections in excess or feel more intense internal processes.
  • Emotional changes: moving from good humor to reflection or introspection.
  • Confusion.

High dose effects

  • Vision of red or green halos around the objects.
  • Alteration of the ability to communicate, maintaining a deep state of reflection.
  • Feeling of fear during experience.
  • Feeling of cold, or on the contrary, perception of feeling wrapped as in comfortable blankets and maximum pleasure.
  • Affectation of bodily coordination and balance losses.
Emotional Codependence: Ana, Mon Amour (Calin Peter Netzer)

Physical effects

On a physical level, the 2-CB stimulates heart and respiratory levels, It raises blood pressure, dilates the pupils and can cause blurred vision, dizziness and insomnia. Nothing is known regarding its long -term effects.

It produces mild or intense diarrhea, gases, nausea, gastrointestinal and general discomfort, dizziness, vomiting and seizures.

Then generates depression, insomnia and severe anxiety paintings. Its excessive consumption can lead to cardiac arrhythmia and generate cardiorespiratory strikes.

It is supplied orally and its absorption is rapid, because the effects begin between 15 or 20 minutes, with a full stomach it takes something more, and can remain in the body for up to four hours.

Side effects

The most worrying thing is that, due to how novel that is the drug, still Secondary sequelae have not been widely studied and in the long term of this type of drugs. Therefore, any drastic physiological alteration should be considered as medical urgency, since there is no literature in this regard.

Some users report nervousness and body tremors, with muscle spasms.

Strong headaches have been described after high dose taking.

At doses of more than 30-40 mg the user can experience terrifying hallucinations, as well as tachycardia, hypertension and hyperthermia.

The low doses are calculated between 5 and 10 mg, the average doses between 12 and 24 mg; the high between 25 and 30 mg; Although there are no specific reports, lethal doses They can exceed 65 mg.

The design of an aphrodisiac

Various experiments carried out on the active substances of the Tucibi and the ecstasy, They conclude that the combination of 2-CB with the MDMA becomes a real aphrodisiac, since not only causes the desire to reach orgasm, but also a sustained genital stimulation. In the experiments, they were assured that both drugs were not consumed at the same time, but first the MDMA was administered and a little before the end of the effects of it, the 2-CB. Although there are no reliable reports in this regard, researchers say that the combination must be subject to careful studies and not take these effects as a treatment, since they are actually addictive and harmful drugs to all effects.


Synthetic drugs are extremely dangerous for those who consume it, since they generate a psychotic behavior and are highly addictive. But the most important thing is that the damage they cause is usually irreversible.

Bibliographic references

  • Baquero-Rodríguez, J. D., & Cáceres-Hernández, M. (2017). Tucibí or 2CB: an emerging drug. Spanish Magazine of Drug Dependencies, 42 (4), 25-39.
  • Domínguez-Clavé, e., Soler, j., Elices, m., PASCUAL, J. C., & Riba, J. (2016). 2CB: A qualitative study on consumption patterns, subjective effects and associated risks. Addictions, 28 (2), 103-111.
  • García-Algar, or., Pichini, s., & Pacifici, R. (2015). Emerging drugs: the case of the 2CB. Integral Pediatrics, 19 (6), 416-423.
  • Martínez-Gras, i., & Camí, J. (2013). Tucibí, an emerging drug with psychedelic and psychopathological effects. Magazine of Psychiatry and Mental Health, 6 (1), 47-49.
  • Riba, J., Bouso, J. C., & Barbanoj, M. J. (2013). 2CB: A new emerging psychedelic drug and its therapeutic potential. Magazine of the Spanish Pain Society, 20 (4), 193-202.