Sadness of Sunday afternoon or dark Sunday

Sadness of Sunday afternoon or dark Sunday

Do you feel that on Sunday night is the most depressing moment of the weekend? Do you think that how long ending the last day of the week that feeling of happiness on Friday afternoon becomes, little by little, a dark moment? If you are one of those who feel identified with this, it is very likely that you suffer from what is known as the sadness of Sunday afternoon or dark Sunday. Continue reading and learn how to avoid it.

According to a statistic published in 2015 on the Monster, 76% of Americans report a terrible depression on Sunday night. One of the reasons why Sundays usually end in this way can be explained by the fact that many are still unconsciously trapped in childhood emotions.

"Many children experience a type of separation anxiety when it is time to leave their parents and their home to return to school on Monday", Gail Saltz, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the New York Presbyterian University Weill Cornell.

Sunday afternoon marks the transition between the end week and the one that begins.

Means face the most everyday obligations. Gail also points out that it is usually the completion of the break and the beginning of a new cycle in which responsibilities must be resumed and focus on everything that is about to do.

For some people the sadness of Sunday afternoon is so strong that It comes to generate Insomio. Between Sunday and Monday they have difficulty falling asleep and this increases concern. It is also possible that suffer from migraines, indigestion or physical sensations of discomfort. Let's see then why this happens and how to face it.


  • Causes of the sadness of Sunday afternoon
    • 1. Work problems
    • 2. Too many goals
    • 3. Our hormones
    • 4. Other obligations
  • How to solve those anguish accesses

Causes of the sadness of Sunday afternoon

1. Work problems

The sadness of Sunday afternoon is also known by the name of Sunday syndrome.

It is presumed that this syndrome is suffered by people from all countries, ages and all social conditions.

This problem was first detected in 2006, by the American psychologist Larina Kase. She was in charge of carrying out several investigations in this regard at the Center for the Study and Treatment of Anxiety, of the University of Pennsylvania. The studies of the psychologist Kase indicate that The main cause of Sunday afternoon's sadness is some degree of job dissatisfaction. People who experience this problem have unresolved difficulties in their workplace, or in their working life.

Some simply do not want their job. They don't feel like doing anything and that's why They perceive the beginning of the week as a torture. While others feel the sadness of Sunday afternoon due to the tensions they have in their work environment.

This problem also occurs in the case of people who doubt their capacity for work performance. They are never sure about whether they are going to perform their tasks in time or not. Neither do they feel that they can do activities correctly. Starting a new week is to renew that feeling of insecurity or incompetence.

So, discomfort takes place in those who have no job. For them The beginning of the week represents another chapter in that uncertain battle to get a new job. And it is there that this uncertainty of not knowing if they will achieve it or not, is what shoots the sadness of Sunday afternoon. After the weekend's break, they will have to confront the harsh reality again.

Finally there are those who fail to have a correct break. Are people who have a labor overload. Sometimes they have to dedicate their rest time to demanding activities, a second job, to the study or home. It is frustrating for them to end the weekend without having rested properly. On Sunday afternoon they could feel the weight of that stressful day of his life.

2. Too many goals

Another cause that causes the sadness of Sunday afternoon is when we consider too ambitious goals, it is easy for us to quickly frustrate, or simply because when we propose goals they are not able to meet because we find all the closed doors, being a very depressing reason in our lives. That is why it is important to raise objectives sufficiently challenging but that are attainable. Only in this way we can have that feeling of achievement so rewarding that it makes people advance.

3. Our hormones

It has also been described that there is an important hormonal influence on the downturn that we feel on Sunday afternoon. When we are immersed in our daily routine, either working outside the home or taking care of other family or any kind tasks, We are very active, which generates that the stress hormone, cortisol, are at a level between and high and high. But when the weekend, Especially on Sunday when stores and services are generally closed, people leave less .. These cortisol levels descend rapidly, generating a sense of lack of energy and even a certain restlessness. If we add to this the prelude to what awaits us when arriving on Monday: depression is served.

This feeling is easy for it to worsen in winter, when the days are shorter and the lowest temperatures, since this invites us to stay at home and feel more decayed even more.

4. Other obligations

It has also been described that many suffer this syndrome by having to perform other not very pleasant obligations that have not given us time to do for the rest of the week, How to pick up the house, cook, put a lot of backward washing machines ..

How to solve those anguish accesses

What usually happens is that on Sunday afternoon we usually face our reality crudely than at other times. The solitudes, frustrations and expectations have been fulfilled or not circulate before our gaze.

That is why many times, unintentionally, we end up making an introspection or evading it. That is what at the end of the day is in that germ of anguish. Something that can help us better manage Sunday afternoon is to firmly follow these recommendations:

  1. Organize what has to do with Monday during the weekend, without stress. This relieves the weekend's transition and on Sunday you will not only think about Monday.
  2. Take advantage of Sunday, do not stay in front of the TV. The idea is not to remain without doing anything, on the contrary your mind occupies in positive issues. Make Sunday is the day to do what I please and enjoy it to the fullest, it is with friends or family with whom you cannot stay at another time, any plan is good if you are in good company. Go out to walk or perform any outdoor activity whenever you can, this helps us disconnect and feel more energy.
  3. Choose a relaxing activity at the end of the day. Read a good book, cheer up to watch a movie in the cinema, or you better see the theater, listen to music, enjoy any activity that you cannot do during the week, without overwhelms, this will help you better manage the sadness of Sunday afternoon.

Anyway, Let's not forget that the exit is not to avoid problems, on the contrary it is about doing it thoroughly. Sometimes we need professional help to confront and process those uncomfortable emotions or make specific decisions in relation to Sunday afternoon's sadness.


  • Nhat Hanh, Thich. (2010). Nothing to do, any place where to go. Wake up your real self. Barcelona: Oniro.