Triptomax What is it, what is it for, side effects and opinions

Triptomax What is it, what is it for, side effects and opinions

Triptomax is a food complement based on tryptophan with vitamin B, iron and magnesium, which improves brain performance at the psychological level. If you feel more tired than normal, with little energy, without wanting to perform daily tasks or with a sense of overwhelming, it is recommended that you go to the doctor to see what happens to you.

Many times, these sensations can be addressed from food, since psychological performance may be related to nutritional deficiencies, as in the case of tryptophan and serotonin. To alleviate this situation, the best option is to resort to triptomax. In this Psychology-online article, we will give you information about Triptomax: What is it, what is it for, side effects and opinions.

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  1. What is Triptomax
  2. What is Triptomax for
  3. Side effects of triptomax
  4. Triptomax opinions

What is Triptomax

Triptomax is a dietary supplement, Not a medicine, Tryptophan -based and vitamins of the B complex, specifically the B3, B5 and B6, and minerals, such as iron and magnesium.

Tryptophan is a essential amino acid, Which means that the body cannot produce it by itself and must obtain it through the diet. In addition, tryptophan is also a serotonin precursor, A neurotransmitter that plays an important role in the regulation of mood, sleep and digestion.

The recommended triptomax dose is two tablets per day, What contributes 600 mg of tryptophan to our diet. It is advisable to eat these tablets before breakfast or one of the main meals, and can be taken together or separately. It works from the first moment, although the main effects are usually noticed from the first week.

Food supplements such as triptomax are not substitutes for a balanced diet or healthy life habits. In addition, it is important to keep in mind that, although the effects of tryptophan have been studied, it is not recommended Consult a doctor first, since it can interact with other medications, or have unwanted side effects.

What is Triptomax for

Triptomax plays several important roles. Next, we present what are the functions of this food complement:

  • Serotonin synthesis: Triptomax is composed of tryptophan, a serotonin precursor, which regulates mood. By increasing tryptophan levels in the body, it increases serotonin production, which produces a sensation of well -being.
  • Reduces stress: It can help reduce stress and anxiety by increasing serotonin levels and other important neurotransmitters in the brain.
  • Increase concentration and attention: Tryptophan favors stimulation of cognitive abilities such as attention and memory.
  • Improvement of sleep: Triptomax can improve sleep quality by increasing melatonin production, a hormone that regulates sleep and vigil cycles.
  • Reduces depression symptoms: Some studies have found that tryptophan can be effective in reducing depression symptoms by increasing serotonin levels in the brain.

For all these reasons, it is very beneficial to include triptomax in our diet, in addition to increasing food intake such as chickpeas, cheese, milk, eggs, fish, meat, whole grains, nuts, bananas or Chocolate, because they are rich in Triptophane.

Side effects of triptomax

Triptomax is a food complement, with ingredients of natural origin, which does not present side effects to health. Therefore, it can be taken for long periods safely. It is advisable to follow a three -month treatment, followed by four weeks old.

Of course, you have to Respect the recommended daily dose of two tablets a day and not exceed it. Otherwise, it could cause drowsiness, a laxative effect and digestive discomfort, such as nausea, vomiting or acidity. In addition, there are other Contraindications when taking triptomax. We see them below:

  • Its use for children under 12 years is not prescribed.
  • If you are following any medical treatment or a specific diet, before starting the consumption of triptomax, consult it with your doctor.
  • It is not recommended to take it during breastfeeding or pregnancy.
  • Its use is not advised in people suffering from renal failure.
  • Do not consume it if you are following an antidepressant or sedative treatment, because tryptophan should not be combined with drugs that act on the central nervous system or the serotonin pathway.
  • Do not take triptomax if you are allergic to any of your ingredients. To prevent complications, you should read the prospect in care before consuming it.

Triptomax opinions

There are a variety of opinions about Triptomax. It should be noted that it is a free sale product, that is, can be acquired without a medical recipe in pharmacies and parapharmacies, both in physical store and online, since it is a food complement and not a medication.

If you are thinking of taking triptomax, you can consult the opinions that people who have already consumed this food complement have left online. In general, most patients refer to a Improvement in the mood and the feeling of tiredness. It also increases vital energy, strength, tranquility and provides emotional balance.

First of all, as with any supplement, it is important talk to a health professional before taking triptomax or any other dietary supplement.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Triptomax: What is it, what is it for, side effects and opinions, We recommend that you enter our category of Psychopharmaceuticals.