Emotional traumas, how your life affects

Emotional traumas, how your life affects

Emotional traumas are events that leave in our psyche a brand a wound. If not managing traumatic experiences, we could suffer for months, even years, or throughout our lives the consequences of emotional trauma. They are events that They improvise us, without the possibility of reaction or defender Faced with a danger of gravity.

In this article, the implication of emotional traumas will be addressed, along with their consequences and the correct way to put an end to pathological memories. We do not have to suffer trauma throughout our lives the effects of emotional trauma.


  •  What is emotional trauma?
    • Examples of traumatic situations
  • How do emotional traumas affect your life?
  • Overcome emotional trauma
    • Bibliographic resources

 What is emotional trauma?

To review what we mean with the concept of emotional trauma, we should first check what is understood by trauma. Derived from Greek, the word trauma It means wound, as we study psychology, we will be talking about wounds in the psychic field. However, we must keep in mind that not any psychic wound implies trauma.

A traumatic situation is crossed when someone suffers fear of great intensity, also before the feeling of surprise and inability to handle a danger either real or perceived. The situation in which trauma is produced leaves the subject devoid of all your coping strategies, And in that lies the traumatic issue: in the helplessness of a danger.

The circumstances that generate psychic traumas are emotionally intense, even overflowing. In them, usually, We perceive that our life or that of a loved one is at risk and that we can do nothing about it To stop it. Just imagining such a situation we can evaluate the potential damage they can generate.

5 wounds that prevent you from enjoying your true self

Examples of traumatic situations

So that you can better understand the kind of circumstances we refer to by traumatic, we will give some examples of them. They are potentially traumatic situations:

  • Accidents who ended the life of a loved one or were potentially lethal for them or ourselves;
  • Have suffered sexual abuse;
  • Suffer or take care of a loved one during a long disease;
  • Witness in the first person natural disasters such as floods, tsunamis, tornadoes or earthquakes:
  • Live a war.

As you can imagine, all these situations leave an emotional shock in that person who experiences them. The traumas just imply that: a shock, leaving us in a state of helplessness in the face of a great danger that escapes our control.

How do emotional traumas affect your life?

Serious situations such as the traumatic we have just mentioned, must have psychic consequences. This is what we will address now, what are the sequels as a result of crossing traumatic experiences such as these.

Unresolved emotional traumas can lead to the development of various mental disorders.

Some of the possible sequelae of emotional traumas are:

  • Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Having experienced a trauma in the first person, having witnessed it or knowledge that a loved one went through one, a disorder of this class could develop. Post -traumatic stress disorder can be accompanied by: reliving trauma in dreams, dissociative reactions, involuntary acts, insomnia, among other more harmful symptoms more.
  • Delayed disorder. This, as indicated by its name, does not occur immediately after the stressful incident. They are very rare cases in which the sequelae of trauma manifest months, even years later, leaving the PTS.
  • Panic attacks. In situations that can be associated with past trauma and arouse anxiety, the affected person can suffer panic attacks due to unresolved trauma.
  • Depression. In some cases, going through emotional traum.
Keys to overcome trauma

Overcome emotional trauma

The only way to manage and thus get rid of the pathological memories of emotional trauma is through Its processing. Processing the information stored in our memory regarding trauma is the only way to modify the psychic damage caused.

Processing trauma does not imply disappearing, But it will improve our quality of life and reaction to him. In order to carry out this restructuring, the help of a professional is essential, since oneself is involved again and again in distressing thoughts of which it is extremely complicated to leave. Any clinical psychologist can guide you and help you process traumatic experience, however, some therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy can become even more effective when it comes to treating these conditions.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (TCC) addresses varied techniques that can be extremely useful for the treatment of traumas, such as cognitive restructuring, focused on locating those negative thoughts and changing pathological thought patterns. In addition, the TCC offers the possibility of working directly on traum he.

We hope this article has been useful for you to understand the severity of emotional traumas and the importance of managing them to modify our quality of life. In case of having crossed traum. Dare to manage the emotional traumas you have experienced, you will gain quality of life with it.

Bibliographic resources

  • Almagiá, e. (2003). Influence of emotional state on physical health. Psychological therapy, 21 (1), 38.
  • Campos, m., Páez, d., & Velasco, C. (2004). Coping and emotional regulation of traumatic facts: a longitudinal study on 11-M. Anxiety and stress, 10.
  • Prigoff, a. (2000). Violence and emotional trauma. Social Work, (2), 124-131.
  • Vázquez, c., & Pérez-Sales, P. (2003). Positive emotions, trauma and resistance. Anxiety and stress, 9 (2-3), 231-254.