Sexual excitement disorders

Sexual excitement disorders

Sexual excitement disorder is a dysfunction that occurs at some point in the sexual response cycle (desire, excitation, orgasm or resolution), and that prevents enjoying the experience of satisfaction through sexual activity. A person with this disorder may want to have sex, but has difficulty stimulating enough to successfully carry them out.

Sexual excitement disorders were previously known as "frigidity" in women and "helplessness" in men, although these terms have been replaced by others less pejorative. Impotence is now known as erectile dysfunction and frigidity is described by specifying whether it is a problem of sexual desire or inhibited excitation.

For both men and women, these dysfunctions can be the response to a aversion or rejection of sexual contact with a couple. In men, it can appear as a total or partial disability to achieve or maintain an erection, or as a lack of sexual excitement and pleasure during sexual activity. In women, it is often presented as an inability to lubricate enough to complete the sexual act.

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  • Erectile dysfunction in man
    • Causes of male erectile dysfunction
  • Dysfunction of desire and sexual excitement in women
    • Causes of excitation disorders in women
  • Treatment of sexual dysfunctions

Erectile dysfunction in man

The occasional erectile dysfunction It occurs approximately 50% of adult men, while Chronic dysfunction It affects approximately 1 in 8 men, increasing the figure as it ages. About 52% of men between 40 and 70 years of age have some degree of erectile dysfunction.

Impotence can be classified as primary or secondary. The Primary impotence It is one in which enough erection has never been achieved to do the intercourse. The Secondary impotence It implies the loss of erectile function after a period of normal function. This tends to occur gradually, except in cases caused by sudden injury or disease.

The treatment of secondary impotence has a higher success rate than that of primary impotence, because the patient has a previous history of normal function in the past.

As we have seen, approximately 50% of all men at some point can be unable to achieve or maintain an erection, but this does not mean that they are unable to fully participate in sexual relations.
There are several components necessary to achieve an erection:

  • An optimal emotional state
  • A correct functioning of the pituitary gland
  • An adequate testosterone level
  • A blood supply towards the right penis

Early ejaculation (when orgasm comes too fast) is different from erectile dysfunction, and is not the same as male infertility. A man who is unable to maintain an erection can be perfectly able to generate a child. On the other hand, an infertile man may be able to have sexual relations, but not be able to generate a child.

Causes of male erectile dysfunction

  • The most common risk factors for male impotence are age, anxiety, stress and conflicting relationships.
  • Some medications have side effects that can contribute to impotence. These are diuretics, tricyclic antidepressants, beta-blockers and hormones.
  • The physical causes of impotence are trauma and diseases such as: diabetes, pelvic surgery, marrow injury and glandular problems.

Erectile dysfunction It can appear in early adolescence as an inability to achieve erection, But it is more common to happen after years of normal operation.

On the other hand, the Ejaculatory impotence It is something different, it is about the inability to ejaculate within the woman's vagina. Here the erection can be maintained for long periods of time, even after the couple is reached orgasm, but ejaculation is not achieved. The impotence of ejaculation It usually has an emotional basis that reflects relationship problems.

Dysfunction of desire and sexual excitement in women

He Hitable sexual desire It is a dysfunction in which the sexual desire of women decreases persistently, with the absence of sexual fantasies and scarce or no interest in sexual activity. This process is usually associated with paintings of anxiety, anguish and difficulty with interpersonal relationships.

He Inhibited sexual desire It is a sexual disorder in which no desire or interest is experienced in having a sexual encounter. In the most extreme way of sexual inhibition, you can feel disgusted in front of sexual stimuli or relations.

The Inhibited sexual excitement It is the difficulty in producing vaginal lubrication in a recurring and persistent way; It is also the difficulty in experiencing subjective sensations of excitation. That is, although mind is prepared, the body does not respond as we expect to facilitate things.

When a woman does not reach sexual excitement before or during sexual relations, she can present different modalities:

  • Not achieving orgasm (anorgasmia)
  • Achieve sexual excitement with great difficulty (hyposexuality)
  • Do not enjoy sexual activity (either with a specific or general couple)

Causes of excitation disorders in women

Many factors can contribute to sexual dysfunction, such as:

  • Background of sexual abuse or violation
  • Hormonal disorders, hormonal changes due to menopause and chronic diseases that affect general health
  • Medical disorders that affect the innervation of the pelvis (such as multiple sclerosis, diabetic neuropathy and spinal cord injury)
  • Some drugs such as antidepressants
  • Negative attitudes against sex (normally learned in childhood or adolescence)
  • Shyness or difficulties in requesting any type of stimulation that works better
  • Boredom and monotony in sexual activity
  • Conflicts or lack of emotional closeness within the couple
  • Emotional causes such as conflicts, anxiety, depression, stress or other tensions.

Misphilia: attraction or desire for dirt

Treatment of sexual dysfunctions

It is important to remember that from the point of view of nature, the purpose of sex is reproduction. We are not designed to be excited every day, or even every week of each month. Even so, many people experience sexual dysfunction despite having a mature attitude on the subject.

Psychological factors can play a very important role in this disorder, so psychotherapy offers good results when it comes to unlocking emotions and invalidating thoughts.

On the other hand, the two hormones that are more related to libido are Human growth hormone (HGH) and testosterone. Hormonal therapy with testosterone in the sexual field is used to improve erectile function and HGH is administered to increase sexual desire.

In the elderly the deterioration of the vascular system He often plays an important role in sexual dysfunction. The blood supply to the penis and the vagina must be healthy for the optimal functioning of these areas. For this reason a specialized doctor should assess whether any vascular problem and offer adequate medical treatment in each case.

The causes of sexual dysfunction are so varied and the interaction so complex, that it is best to look for a specialist with experience in the subject.

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If we invest the necessary time and effort to find the true cause of sexual dysfunction, we will find an ideal solution for each case, finally having a full and satisfactory sexual life.

Sexual impulse test for men

Sexual impulse test for women