Compulsive obsessive disorder on perfectionism and self -examination

Compulsive obsessive disorder on perfectionism and self -examination

Being a perfectionist and very self -examinating can bring high levels of discomfort.

Perfectionism has been defined as a tendency to establish high standards of performance, in combination with an excessively critical evaluation of them, as well as a concern for making mistakes.

As for self -criticism, it has been classified as a cognitive personality style by which the subject is evaluated and judges himself.


  • What happens when we are very perfectionists and self -demanding
  • The obsessive compulsive disorder (TOC)
  • Consequences on being a perfectionist
  • How to avoid being too perfectionist
    • Bibliography

What happens when we are very perfectionists and self -demanding

Being a perfectionist and very self -examinating can become a real problem. In fact, self -criticisms are characterized by having feelings of guilt, inferiority and failure.

These people are in a permanent conflict with themselves. The perception they have of themselves generates a series of negative emotions that manifests itself in a low quality of life or in an increase in risk of mental disorders.

According to Lorena de Rosa, in her study on perfectionism and self -criticism: clinical considerations, being a perfectionist has been related to eating disorders, depression, anxiety and stress, while self -criticism, or being very demanding, has been associated with depression.

Therefore, the compulsive obsessive personality about being a perfectionist and very self -examin.

These people intend to live in a world in which no details are escaped, and they also want everyone to meet their rules.

However, the problem arises because many times the control escapes their hands and loses the objective of the activity or what they want to do, so, far from doing things easier, everything ends up being more complicated, full of Obstacles, or interfering with their interpersonal work and relationships.

The obsessive compulsive disorder (TOC)

Trying that things go well and adjust to a plan is not bad, however, when the pattern exceeds normal, then it is already a problem.

According to the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, the DSM-V, the TOC is defined as a general pattern of concern for order, perfectionism and mental and interpersonal control. It manifests at the expense of flexibility, spontaneity and efficiency, begins in adulthood and is in different contexts. In addition, it indicates the following items:

  • Concern for details, norms, lists, order, organization or schedules.
  • Perfectionism that interferes with the completion of tasks, as in the case of not being able to finish a project for not meeting their own demands.
  • Excessive dedication to work and productivity excluding leisure activities and friendships.
  • Excessive scrupulity and inflexibility in issues of morals, ethics or values.
  • Inability to throw spent or useless objects.
  • It is reluctant to delegate tasks to others.
  • Greedy style in expenses. Money accumulates because of thoughts about furas catastrophes.
  • Stiffness and obstinacy samples.

Of course, complying with some of these criteria brings to discomfort, in addition to other consequences.

Perfectionism: Psychological vulnerability factor

General characteristics of obsessions

Consequences on being a perfectionist

It is worth noting that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to maintain absolute control over all the events of life. Therefore, living without relaxing is usually complicated. In addition to this, there are also other consequences, such as:

  1. Suffer from mood disorders: such as anxiety or depression.
  2. Feel frustration: When people realize that they fail to achieve perfection.
  3. Difficulty in establishing healthy relationships with other people, Well, others feel continuously evaluated and judged.
  4. Work problems: Because these people often have a hard time working as a team, or because, due to the same perfectionism, they have difficulty delivering work on time.

People are characterized by being perfectionists do not usually fit well in situations that are changing or that arise suddenly, or in those where there are no specific rules to follow, even when their discipline does allow them to be efficient in some contexts that require meticulousness.

However, there are many aspects in life that do not depend on the person, but on other factors, so, given these scenarios, who are very perfectionists have to feel fear.

How to avoid being too perfectionist

Some recommendations to avoid being a perfectionist and self -examinating are the following:

  • You take aware that being a perfectionist to the extreme is an impediment to enjoy life and that, in addition, it produces dissatisfaction.
  • Accept as it is, recognizing that no human being is perfect.
  • Work based on reasonable and realistic goals, which can be achieved.
  • Enjoy the process instead of giving up thinking about the results.
  • Trust other people and delegate activities when necessary, since it is impossible to cover all the same moment.

In short, being a perfectionist at the extreme can be an obstacle to performing daily tasks, in addition to being a switch of happiness itself.


  • Carrasco, á., Belloch, a., & Perpiñá, C. (2009). The evaluation of perfectionism: utility of the multidimensional scale of perfectionism in the Spanish population. Behavior analysis and modification35(152).
  • From pink, l., Dalla Valle, to., Rutsztein, g., & Keegan, E. (2012). Perfectionism and self -criticism: clinical considerations. ARGENTINE MAGAZINE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL CLINICtwenty-one(3), 209-215.
  • Tailor-liba, s. (2012). High intellectual capacity: perfectionism and metacognitive regulation. Rev neurol54(Suppl 1), S21-9.
  • Scappatura, m. L., Arana, f., Elizathe, l., & Rutsztein, G. (2011). Adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism in eating disorders: a review study. Research Yearbook18, 81-88.