Obsessive compulsive disorder on order and symmetry

Obsessive compulsive disorder on order and symmetry

Obsessive compulsive disorder on order and symmetry can become a true nightmare for those who live it.

Many people like to order their objects, by colors or sizes, but, when one of these objects gets out of order, an anguish may arise, and this may be related to the obsessive compulsive disorder on order and symmetry.

Obsessive compulsive disorder on order and symmetry

Those who live with obsessive compulsive disorder on order and symmetry, feel driven by ordering everything in their life, for example: their books, following an alphabetical order or size; species also following a specific order; A perfectly tidy desk.

And perhaps, many think there is nothing wrong with it, but for those who live with the obsessive compulsive disorder on order and symmetry it can be a real problem, because, to create this "balance" between their things, they usually invest a considerable amount of time in the process.

This disorder is characterized by an obsessive ideation that is related to actions and thoughts executed in a ritual form.

After schizophrenia, anorexia nervosa and bipolar disorder, compulsive obsessive disorder (TOC) is usually the fourth most frequent condition.

According to psychiatrist Antonio Lozano-Vargas, in his study on the clinical aspects of obsessive-compulsive disorder, this is characterized by being a heterogeneous clinical condition with a prevalence of 2 %, which usually causes great dysfunctionality to whom which They suffer.

Lozano-Vargas also emphasizes that There are four dimensions of obsessive compulsive disorder, namely: the check, cleaning, rituals and accumulation.

Thus, although keeping the car, the work space and the house in order, it is usually considered as something positive that causes well -being, in many cases the opposite occurs, then, the TOC may be present.

It should be taken into account that A compulsion is a mental act or recurring behavior that a subject voluntarily effects in response to an obsession, in order to reduce the discomfort that it produces.

But these behaviors are not realistically linked, which is intended to prevent or neutralize, so they are usually excessive.

Therefore, it is worth highlighting the difference between being ordered and precise and becoming a slave to rituals that do not correspond to the events that could occur in reality.

In the case of obsessive compulsive disorder on order and symmetry, these are thoughts on ordering objects in a precise or symmetrical way.

This behavior is often related to a slowdown in the way of exercising processes, then, The greatest fear that the person suffers is to have to rebuild everything from the beginning, Following a precise sequence, for having executed something "incorrectly".

However, it should be clarified that, at some point, obsessive behavior could be presented, but this does not have to be a symptom that the disorder is suffered, because in order to catalog it it is important to determine how this fact impacts on everyday life.

This clarification is necessary, since Some people can be perfectionists, which does not mean that they suffer from Toc.

Many people, occasionally, have some behaviors or thoughts that are obsessive, however, People with obsessive compulsive disorder on order and symmetry usually experience symptoms for many hours, or daily.

In addition, although they are aware that His thoughts are not rational, but irrational, They fear, for some reason, that these can become something true.

In the same way it occurs with their behaviors, of which they are aware that they have no coherence or meaning, but they find it impossible to stop them.

How to treat obsessive compulsive disorder on order and symmetry?

First, the best way to treat this disorder is to seek professional help, because, some treatments are usually effective in controlling compulsive obsessions and behaviors. In some cases, treatment can be psychological, accompanied by drugs.

Apart from professional aid, the person suffering from this type of disorder You can also search for support groups, readings and other resources that can be useful. The doctor can make good recommendations in this topic.

On the other hand, it can also be useful, to control the obsessive compulsive disorder on order and symmetry, avoid suppressing feelings and instead, write them.

Well, in many cases, Trying to remove thought can trigger the opposite, that is, it can be made more intense or present in the mind.

You should also try to give in to the impulse to implement compulsive behaviors or ideas, since, every time they are carried out, they tend to increase, increasing the certainty that actions are able to prevent disastrous things from happening.

Similarly, The use of alcohol or recreational drugs should be avoided to control what you feel, Since these negative health in general affects. Instead, you can bet on relaxation techniques to reduce anxiety levels.

Also, some therapies can help the person to adapt their way of thinking or behavior. One of the most effective therapies is cognitive-behavioral (TCC); In fact, it is the first to be recommended.

In this type of therapies, the person meets a therapist, in several sessions, whether individually or in a group. In turn, the therapist can suggest the "exposure and response prevention therapy", with which the affected person will gradually learn to face the situation that produces fear without resorting to frequent compulsive behavior.

On the other hand, the psychiatrist can also indicate some TOC medications, which have the objective of restoring the balance of serotonin in the brain. These medications, when inhibiting serotonin reuptake (ISRs), also help reduce anxiety and treat depression.

In any case, it is recommended that the doctor or therapist be attended in case of suspecting that obsessive compulsive disorder on order and symmetry is suffered.

Response imbalance therapy for the treatment of TOC


  • García-Soriano, g., Belloch, a., & Prats, C. M. (2008). On the heterogeneity of obsessive-compulsive disorder: a review. Magazine of Psychopathology and Clinical Psychology13(2), 65-84.
  • Lozano-Vargas, a. (2017). Clinical aspects of obsessive -social disorder and related disorders. Neuro-Psychiatry Magazine80(1), 35-35.
  • Couple, m. TO. V. (2001). Effective psychological treatments for compulsive obsessive disorder. Psychothema13(3), 419-427.
  • Velosillo, p. S., & Vicario, to. F. C. (2015). Compulsive obsessive disorder. Medicine-Proven Medical Training Programeleven(84), 5008-5014.