Histrionic personality disorder

Histrionic personality disorder

A few years ago it became fashionable to use the term "histrionic" in the media. Following the arrest of a banks thief whose diagnosis was "histrionic personality disorder", many communicators tagged similarly to all types of people who showed strange and extroverted behaviors. The histrionic concept, which until then was not known too much in popular culture, became fashionable. But what hides this disorder? What really consists?


  • Diagnostic criteria of histrionic personality disorder
  • Characteristics of people with histrionic personality disorder
  • Associated characteristics that support diagnosis
  • Differential diagnosis of histrionic personality disorder
    • Bibliography

Diagnostic criteria of histrionic personality disorder

According to the DSM-V (2014), This disorder is characterized by a general pattern of excessive emotion and a search for attention, that begin at the beginning of adulthood and that occur in various contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following items:

  1. You do not feel comfortable in situations in which it is not the center of attention.
  2. Interaction with others is usually characterized by sexually seductive or provocative behaviors.
  3. Shows a superficial and rapidly changing emotional expression.
  4. Use the physical aspect to attract attention to itself permanently.
  5. It has an excessively subjective speech and lacking nuances.
  6. Shows self -ramization, theatricality and exaggerated emotional expression.
  7. It is quite suggestible. For example: it is easily influenced by others or by circumstances.
  8. Consider your most intimate relationships than they really are.

Characteristics of people with histrionic personality disorder

People who suffer from histrionic personality disorder usually present a Excessive and generalized emotionality. His behavior focuses on the search for attention. It is a behavior pattern that begins to demonstrate in adulthood and can appear in different contexts. Those who suffer from this disorder They feel uncomfortable and even little valued when they are not the center of attention.

They often attract attention to themselves. In the beginning they can even attract attention for their openness and energy, but this ends when others realize the constant need to attract attention. When they are not the center of attention they can start inventing stories or setting up a "scene" With the sole objective of focusing all eyes.

Sexual provocation and seduction also characterizes subjects with histrionic personality disorder. This behavior does not occur only with those who have a special sexual interest, but It can be observed in situations in which the social context is not the most appropriate (Social, labor or professionals). The physical appearance is a constant element to get attention, so they invest a lot of time, money and energy in clothing and personal arrangements.

How is the controlling personality

Associated characteristics that support diagnosis

There are a number of characteristics that can support the diagnosis:

  • Difficulty achieving emotional intimacy in romantic or sexual relationships.
  • They can play roles in their relationships with others. They do it unconsciously. For example, they can adopt the role of victims.
  • The presence of control towards the couple is possible through emotional manipulation or seduction. But on the other hand, they show a great agency.
  • They usually move their friends away due to constant demands for attention.
  • When they are not the center of attention they are depressed and bother.
  • They tend to get bored with routine, so they seek novelty, excitation and stimulation.
  • Projects with great enthusiasm begin but this one dissolves very quickly.
  • There is a higher risk of suicidal signals and threats to capture attention.
  • This disorder has been associated with higher rates of somatic symptoms, conversion disorder and major depressive disorder.
  • They often coincide with histrionic personality disorder, dependent, limit, narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders.

Differential diagnosis of histrionic personality disorder

Limit personality disorder. The difference is that in the TPL the person presents self -destructive behavior, as well as choleric outbursts in intimate relationships, feelings of vacuum and a great alteration of identity.

Antisocial personality disorder. Despite sharing a large number of symptoms, the main distinction is observed in that People with histrionic personality disorder are usually more exaggerated in the expression of their emotions And they are not antisocial. In addition, people with histrionic personality disorder obtain care through manipulation, while manipulation in antisocials is to obtain power, benefits or some material reward.

Narcissistic personality disorder. Narcissists always need to appear fortress and their superiority, however, those who present histrionic personality disorder may come to see that they are delicate, weak, fragile and dependent, if they attract attention with them.

Dependent personality disorder. The main difference is that they depend excessively on others while looking for praise and guidance. However, they do not present the extravagant and exaggerated features of those with histrionic personality disorder.

Personality change due to another medical condition. The features of this type of personality arise due to the effects of a medical condition on the central nervous system.

Substance consumption disorders. The disorder is due to the symptoms that can be developed in relation to the continuous consumption of substances.


American Psychiatry Society. (2014). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Madrid: Pan American Medical Editorial.