Separation anxiety disorder symptoms and treatment

Separation anxiety disorder symptoms and treatment

It is likely that, on some occasions, our son or daughter becomes sad or nervous when we move away. In a way it is normal, we are a very important figure for the child, by our side feels that everything is going well, but an excessively dependent bond is never good. When this concern is transformed into strong attacks and tantrums, we may find the appearance of a separation anxiety disorder.

It is very important to detect this type of behavior to treat them on time and prevent the little from worsening and aggravating his disorder. If you want to know more about the Separation anxiety disorder in children: Symptoms and treatment, We invite you to continue reading this Psychology-online article.

You may also be interested: types of anxiety and their index symptoms
  1. What is the back of separation anxiety?: Signs and symptoms
  2. DSM V criteria for separation anxiety disorder
  3. Causes of separation anxiety disorder
  4. Consequences of separation anxiety disorder
  5. Treatment of separation anxiety disorder

What is the back of separation anxiety?: Signs and symptoms

This disorder is characterized by a strong negative response to the idea of ​​separating from an emotionally important person, either by a few moments or for a season. This response is defined by excessive feelings of Anxiety, stress and anguish. In addition, several physical symptoms such as agitation, tachycardia and nausea.

Adult separation anxiety disorder

We understand that, as a general rule, this disorder is only given in children, but that is not true. The separation anxiety disorder (TAS) is given in adults with symptoms very similar to those presented by the little ones, in fact, it can have their start after 18 years of age. Although symptomatology can be very similar, they contrast more with the behaviors that are established for their age and, therefore, they seem more serious symptoms.

Axiety disorder in children

This problem usually affects children more. In addition, it is also given more importance because in them the treatment is simpler and the cure somewhat more viable. The little one with tas usually suffers from excessive fear and anxiety when he knows that an attachment figure is going to move away from him. It's important to know differentiate some nerves (On the first day of class or an excursion) of what is the disorder itself, of the disability and irrational fear of the child to be alone. For that reason, several diagnostic criteria have been developed.

DSM V criteria for separation anxiety disorder

DSM V is a manual that collects the symptoms and diagnosis of different mental pathologies, this same manual defines the following criteria for diagnosing the tas1:

TO: Excessive and inappropriate fear or anxiety For the level of development of the individual concerning his separation from those people for whom he feels attachment, revealed by at least three of the following circumstances:

  1. Excessive and recurring discomfort when a separation of the home or of the greatest attachment is expected or lived.
  2. Excessive and persistent concern for the possible loss of the figures of greater attachment or that they may suffer possible damage, such as disease, damage, calamities or death.
  3. Excessive and persistent concern for the possibility that an adverse event (P. eg., get lost, be kidnapped, have an accident, get sick ...) cause the separation of a figure of great attachment.
  4. Persistent resistance or rejection to leave home, school, work or to another place for fear of separation.
  5. Excessive and persistent fear or resistance to being alone or without the figures of greatest attachment at home or in other places.
  6. Persistent resistance or rejection to sleep outside the home or to sleep without being close to a figure of great attachment.
  7. Repeated nightmares on the subject of separation.
  8. Repeated complaints of physical symptoms (P. eg., Headache, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting ...) When the separation of the greatest attachment is produced or foreseen.

B: Fear, anxiety or avoidance is persistent, last at least four weeks in children and adolescents and typically six or more months in adults.

C: The cause cause clinically significant discomfort or deterioration socially, academic, labor or other important areas of operation.

D: The alteration It is not best explained by another mental disorder, as rejection of leaving home due to excessive resistance to a disorder of the autism spectrum; delusions or hallucinations concerning separation in psychotic disorders; I reject out without someone of trust in agoraphobia; Concern for a sickly health or other damage that may happen to relatives or significant ones in generalized anxiety disorder; or concern for suffering a disease in disease anxiety disorder.

Causes of separation anxiety disorder

Like many other mental pathologies, the TAS has a multifactorial origin, that is, there are several risk factors that can precipitate a child to suffer this disorder:

  • Temper: Several studies show that a more shy and insecure character is more likely to develop this disorder. Probably, given latent insecurity, they need a constant external reinforcement.
  • Anxiety regulation strategies: A child who does not know how to handle his anxiety will be carried away by her. In addition, thinking that something is uncontrollable increases the insecurity of the child and feeds the separation anxiety disorder.
  • Emotions management: In the same way that controlling anxiety can avoid the appearance of the TAs, managing emotions helps the disorder not get worse. Sometimes, the boy or girl can feel a lot of fear and anguish in the face of the idea of ​​separating from their parents or a loved one, but the key is to manage the anguish in the best possible way to prevent those feelings from aggravating.
  • Neurological factors: Several experiments have been carried out to establish a relationship between neurotransmitters and emotions. In this case specifically, between some hormones and the separation anxiety disorder. The results show that a bad regulation of norepinephrine (nervous system hormone) is related to the appearance of anxiety in children and adults.

Consequences of separation anxiety disorder

If we do not correctly treat this disorder, over the years it can lead to other mental ailments such as social phobia or other behavior disorders. The high levels of stress to which the child is subjected can cause important sequelae in their cognitive system:

  • Generalized anxiety
  • Social phobia
  • Paranoid ideas
  • School abandonment
  • Addictions to other substances
  • Maintenance of adulthood disorder
  • Toxic and dependent relationships

In general, The tas greatly affects the quality of life of those who suffer it. It is important to analyze the consequences to mentalize people in the urgency of treatment in children.

Treatment of separation anxiety disorder

This disorder can be treated effectively by combining psychological and pharmacological therapy. It should be noted that the use of drugs is not always indicated for minors.

Unless they present symptoms that make their day to day difficult, it is best to go to a specialist who knows How to work the anguish by separation. One of the most used strategies for the treatment of the TAS in children is to teach the child to trust himself, avoid obsessions and train independence.

Doing exercises step by step, we can make the child learn coping strategies For anxiety. Your self -esteem will increase as you see that you are able to overcome small crises. If your self -esteem grows, it will generate a better strength and will depend less and less on your father or maternal figure.

It is important treat the child as soon as possible, Thus we avoid the use of drugs in minors and teach them to generate their own tools to overcome any obstacle in life.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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