You work a lot, but without a result, it attacks accelerated thought syndrome because of stress and excess tasks

You work a lot, but without a result, it attacks accelerated thought syndrome because of stress and excess tasks

Have you ever felt that your brain has hundreds of idea while you are working, but you can't specify any? If this happens to you frequently, you are likely to be suffering from accelerated thought syndrome, a thought alteration. Usually this symptom It is associated with excessive levels of stress in everyday life because of a lot of work.

Due to the lifestyle focused on the productivity that many people carry today, this discomfort has become more common. However, it is possible to relieve symptoms when the problem is identified and the necessary changes are made.


  • Accelerated Thought Syndrome or Tachyipsiquia
  • The limits of the human brain
  • The dangers of accelerated thought syndrome
  • How to treat taquipsiquia?
    • References

Accelerated Thought Syndrome or Tachyipsiquia

Human psychological abilities can present different types of alterations for different reasons. In the case of thought, one of the qualities that psychologists evaluate is the speed of it. If a person presents a fast and changing rhythm of thought, we could say that he suffers from tachypsiquia (accelerated thinking).

In general, This is a dysfunction of thought that is presented as part of some clinical pictures such as bipolarity (Méndez and Birmaher, 2010). It is also observed in certain types of schizophrenia and other mental conditions that cause problems in the speed of thought.

However, accelerated thought syndrome is not a symptom that is associated only with psychiatric conditions. Today, people who manifest accelerated thinking without presenting bipolarity or schizophrenia appear in consultation. Their ideas run incessantly and usually keep little or no relationship with each other and only produces great mental exhaustion. Consequently, they do not give up at work, studies or in other areas of their daily lives.

The limits of the human brain

The world is very different from how it used to be about 100 years ago and people look for ways to adapt to their demands. Currently, Many people look in the need to become too productive in order to subsist. For example, they take multiple jobs to pay the accounts while at the same time study a university career. All this is done in order to be more competitive and be able to access better opportunities in their lives.

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However, this lifestyle has a cost for mental and physical health, since the brain has trouble handling it. In fact, an article by Madore and Wagner (2019) points out that the human brain is not designed to do two simultaneous tasks. Actually, when we do more than one thing at a time, our brain passes from one task to the other. In other words, The ability to do multiple tasks at the same time is a myth because we cannot do it.

Despite that, society demands that we focus on several tasks at the same time. At work, we are often expected to take care of many occupations to be more "productive". Similarly, in our daily lives we use smartphones that constantly bombard us with information.

All these factors expose the brain to an information overload and we are obliged to double the effort level. As a result, stress levels increase and alterations such as accelerated thought syndrome may arise.

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The dangers of accelerated thought syndrome

As mentioned earlier, tachypsiquia can be a consequence of the information overload in the brain. In order to adapt to demands, our brain becomes faster and produces ideas with speed. Nevertheless, These thoughts are unfinished, are unconnected and that is why they are not very useful. In addition to causing physical and mental tiredness, it can be dangerous for life.

The New York Times published an article on an attack by American helicopters that ended the life of 23 Afghan civilians. According to an investigation, a dron pilot overlooked crucial information about the area and determined that it represented a threat. For this reason, the attack that ended with the life of innocent people was made.

A military officer who was involved commented that the deaths could be prevented if they had time to think calmly. But, there was pressure to protect US troops in the area and the officers passed important high data.

These types of events show us how dangerous accelerated thought syndrome can be. While our brain is a surprising machine, it also has limits that cannot be exceeded. Otherwise, fatal accidents such as this attack in Afghanistan can occur.

How to treat taquipsiquia?

It is necessary to highlight that taquipsiquia is not a mental illness alone, rather it is a symptom. For that reason, the first step to address it is to identify the possible cause of accelerated thought. As stated before, it is common for patients with bipolar disorder and psychotic conditions to present it.

Although, if it is not a mental alteration, then the cause could be stress and information overload. In that case, we must try to reduce the rhythm of our lifestyle to the extent that it is possible.

To end, Another alternative to relieve accelerated thought syndrome is to learn relaxation and breathing techniques. These types of exercises help reduce physiological stress levels and allow the brain to reduce the work rate.

Taquipsiquia, when the mind is too fast


  • Méndez, i., & Birmaher, B. (2010). Pediatric bipolar disorder: do we know how to detect it?. Spanish Psychiatry Acts, 38(3). https: // (3)%20170-182.PDF
  • SHANKER, t., & Richtel, M. (2011). In New Military, Data Overload Can Be Deadly. The New York Times, 16, 2011.
  • MADORE, K. P., & Wagner, A. D. (2019, March). Multics of Multitasking. In Cerebrum: The Dana Forum on Brain Science (Vol. 2019). Dana Foundation.